Sir,—It looks as though there is generating in your columns a controversy upon the questions of the Primacy and Infallibility of St. Peter and the perpetuation of such authority ...
Article : 768 wordsSir,—Your two correspondents, "F. K. McDonall" and "A 20th Century Papist," enter the lists in respect to my reply to Father Eris O'Brein. Mr. McDonall pretends to be ...
Article : 558 wordsSir,—What have I to do with the Rev. Thomas Davies? I was attracted by Mr. McDonall's declaration that a true student is always anxious for fresh sources of information, and ...
Article : 128 wordsSir,—At a time when so much that is helpful is being said on the subject of "Hygiene," it seems oppoitune to call attention to those diseases which are most prevalent. Catarrh ...
Article : 297 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 13,063 wordsSir,—I have it on good authority that a million a year spent on the building of concrete roads in the country would give 125 miles of good, lasting roads every year. It ...
Article : 108 wordsSir,—The overwhelming defeat of our Davis Cup team by the American tennis players should be sufficient to convince even the most sceptical of our undoubted inferiority in all ...
Article : 253 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 7 Sep 1923, Page 13
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