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Advertising : 301 wordsRanleigh moved forward eagerly. As he hurried he remembered his last conversation with Lisette. She had said then that, her father might send for him, and he exulted as ...
Article : 1,716 wordsAdvice has been received that Scccombo'i sawmill, Uppor Orara, is on fire. Twenty volunteers with a length of hose have left for the scene. ...
Article : 33 wordsAmong the first women writers to the Australain newspapers was Miss Caroline Louisa Waring Atkinson (afterwards Mrs. J. S. Calvert. Her essays, published in the "Sydney ...
Article : 518 wordsJumpers will again be popular, both for autumn and winter wear. They may be carried out in all manner of materials suited to the climate, while the knitted Jumper and scarf to match are likely to find many followers. Small suede hats are also to be features, and these will be trimmed with fringed leather, and ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 67 wordsI am in an old room, a room pregnant with memories. It is where my mother used to sit. I imagine I can see her now—the dear mother with her white and shining hair, her ...
Article : 341 wordsThe recent discoveries in Egypt by the Earl of Carnarvon and Mr. Howard Carter again open up the question of the antiquity and character of ancient civilisation. Important ...
Article : 299 wordsOn November 25 at All Souls' Church of England, Leichhardt, the marriage was celebrated by the Rev. J. P. Dryland, of Alice H. Neills, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ...
Article : 237 wordsThe marriage was celebrated at St. Aidan's R. C. Church, Rooty Hill, on November l8, of Mildred Eleanor, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Stleme, of Dunoon, ...
Article : 353 wordsThere if a good deal of feminine curiosity in the dress world at present, concerning the fashions for the future, and the new autumn designs are being eagerly awaited. For, ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 1 Jan 1923, Page 3
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