THE British Government's decision earlier this year to risk a major investment in microelectronics stems partly from ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 27 wordsCabinet is not likely to make a decision on bridging finance for Australia's only asbestos mine for about a week, a spokesman for the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade ...
Article : 107 wordsAUCKLAND, Monday (AAP)—The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Mr Muldoon, rejected last night a forecast that a currency devaluation would be made soon. ...
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Advertising : 218 wordsTWICE every business day, five soberly dressed young men gather in a low, modern building in St Swithin's Lane, a nugget's throw ...
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The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), Tue 3 Oct 1978, Page 17
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