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  2. Polish voice for peace and understanding

    THE vast white structure in 1 Turrana Street, Yarralumla, looks as monolithic as Ayres Rock; inside, its scale is carried ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 793 words
  3. Battle lines drawn over Rocky Knob

    Rocky Knob, the highest point in Griffith, is to become another battleground for the National Capital Development Commission's "infill" housing program. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 352 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 92 words

    "We are a secular State and I believe people will move away from religion in their own way and time. I can recall as a boy standing up in ...

    Article : 993 words
  6. WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Iranian election

    TEHRAN, Saturday (AAP-Reuter).—Iran began counting today the votes cast in yesterday's election for a 75-member Council that will approve a new Constitution. ...

    Article : 123 words
  7. Pressure over Gandhi

    NEW DELHI, Saturday (AAP-Reuter).—The new Indian Government came under mounting pressure today to withdraw special courts set up to try former Prime Minister Mrs Gandhi on conspiracy ...

    Article : 98 words
  8. Huge oil spill

    CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas, Saturday (AAP-AP).—Equipment and men have been organised to combat a huge, 1,600,000 barrel spill of Mexican oil that continues to push nearer the Texas coast. It began ...

    Article : 109 words
  9. Egypt move on Sinai

    CAIRO, Saturday (AAP-Reuter).—Egypt has said it is willing to attend a meeting with Israel and the US to discuss the question of a force to oversee the Israeli withdrawal from Sinai, the Newspaper ...

    Article : 114 words
  10. Supertanker sinks

    NEW YORK, Saturday (AAP-AP).—The supertanker Atlantic Empress, carrying about $A44,800,000 of crude oil, has sunk about 560 kilometres east of Barbados, after a collision with a ...

    Article : 38 words
  11. SCOTLAND Pregnant girl guilty of 'carelessness'

    AYR, Saturday (AAP).—A single girl who knows about the oral-contraceptive pill but does not use it and becomes pregnant is ...

    Article : 404 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 92 words