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    THE WOOL TRADE LONDON, THURSDAY.—The sales of wool are moderate, and prices have been much the same. The imports of wool into London during the ...

    Article : 2,932 words

    At East Maitland, on the 19th December, 1842, from Close's Swamp, by Jerry Nunan—One dark brown down horn bullock, white tail and belly, branded SC, RK under, on rump RxF on ...

    Article : 1,463 words
  4. TERMS.

    The "MAITLAND MERCURY" is published every Saturday morning. The terms of subscription are:—In Maitland and Morpeth [?]s. 6d. per quarter, if paid in advance 6s. 6d.; in Sydney ...

    Article : 213 words
  5. AGENTS.

    Jerry's Plains, Mr. Magney, Robin Hood Inn Newcastle, Mr. G. Felton Paterson, Mr. Wilkinson, auctioneer Singleton, Mr. A. Brown, postmaster ...

    Article : 82 words