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  2. WORLD nEWS BRITAIN Spies 'still in top positions'

    LONDON, Sunday (AAP-AP).—Two distinguished Britons, both still in top positions, were important Soviet agents during World War II and the Cold War that followed, British author ...

    Article : 369 words
  3. N-TEST ALLEGATION Soviet submarine accident theory

    PRETORIA, Sunday (AAP-AP).—South Africa's navy chief suggested yesterday that an accident aboard a Soviet nuclear submarine could have been the cause of a possible nuclear explosion detected ...

    Article : 208 words
  4. Advertising

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    Advertising : 141 words
  5. Off to a rendezvous

    Mr Roddy Llewellyn at Heathrow Airport, London, on Saturday before flying to the Caribbean island of Mustique for a holiday with Princess Margaret. The princess has just completed a controversial fund-raising tour of the United States for Britain's ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 45 words
  6. LEBANON Car bomb kills six

    BEIRUT, Sunday (AAPReuter).—Six people were killed and 32 hurt when a remote-controlled car-bomb ...

    Article : 307 words
  7. SOUTH KOREA 75 still trapped in coalmine

    SEOUL, Sunday (AAP-AP).—Rescue workers pulled five miners to safety today and said they had confirmation that 75 others were alive inside the coalmine where an underground ...

    Article : 170 words
  8. Prince resigns

    GENEVA, Sunday (AAP-AFP).—The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has accepted the resignation of a UN official based in Cyprus, Prince Alfred de Lippe-Weissenfeld, an ...

    Article : 64 words
  9. Advertising

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    Advertising : 136 words

    LONDON, Sunday (AAP-Reuter).—The Chinese leader, Mr Hua, arrives in Britain today —and for the first time on his European tour can speak out against the Soviet Union without ...

    Article : 472 words
  11. EL SALVADOR Attack on siege building

    SAN SALVADOR, Sunday (AAP-AP).—Unidentified gunmen fired from passing cars yesterday on one of two ...

    Article : 211 words
  12. ZIMBABWE TALKS Muzorewa accused over peace acceptance

    LONDON, Sunday (AAP-Reuter).—The Prime Minister of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, Bishop Muzorewa, conditionally accepted ...

    Article : 144 words
  13. Advertising

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    Advertising : 151 words