In the Insolvent Estate of James Dalgarno. H ENRY BENNETT and Isaac Simmons having been confirmed Trustees to the above Estate, this is to give Notice, that...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 118 wordsId the Insolvent Estate of William Henry Moore. J OSEPH M'KENNA having been confirmed Trustee to the above Estate, tins is to give No tice, that all Debts due...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 117 wordsIn die Insolvent Estate of James Adair. CHARLES ABERCROMBIE having been confirmed provisional Trustee to the above Estate, this is to give Notice, that all...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 65 wordsIn the Insolvent Estate of John Hosking, of Sydney, merchant. w HEREAS the Estate of John Hosking was, on the 25th day of September, 1843, placed under...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 138 wordsIn the Insolvent Estate of John Terry Hughes attd John Hoaxing, of Sydney, merchants, trading under the firm of Hughes & Homing. w HEREAS die Estate of John...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 157 wordsIn the Insolvent Estate of Alfred Hudson, pf Par ramatta-street, Sydney, fellmonger. WHEREAS the Estate of Alfred Hudson was, on the 27th dm of September...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 167 wordsIn the Insolvent Estate of Thomas Joseph Walford^ of Bligh-street, Sydney, writing clerk. W H1CTt;B AS the Estate of Thomas Joseph Wal ford was, on the 27th...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 167 wordsIii the Insolvent Estate of George Pettit. CHARLES NEWNHAM, John Tooth, and Nehemiah RuncUe, having been confirmed Trustees to the aboye Estate, this is to...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 119 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), Fri 29 Sep 1843, Page 7
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