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Advertising : 1,504 wordsDuring recent visits to the American continent nothing excited my interest more than the packing-houses and general operations of the well-known Swift Company. ...
Article : 1,457 wordsAppraisements were resumed in Sydney on Monday last, after rather more than a week's recess, during which the appraisers valued the wools at the last series in Brisbane. The ...
Article : 2,283 wordsFollowing are the returns of the egg-laying competition at the Hawkesbury Agricultural College in each section up to May 14, 1918, with the figures for the period May 8 to 14, inclusive, shown in ...
Article : 634 wordsThe Department of Agriculture has arranged for the following lectures and demonstrations:—May 20, Lidcombe: Lecture on plant diseases, by Mr. DarnellSmith, biologist, under the auspices of the ...
Article : 202 wordsAt a meeting of the committee which is arranging the Edith Cavell memorial concert, to be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday night next, in aid of the endowment fund of "Cavell ...
Article : 229 wordsS. E. Hinder, Tallawang, and Chondrometer Committee.—The following are the members of the committee Appointed for the purpose of considering the matter of designing or selecting a standard ...
Article : 91 wordsCarefully thought-out papers on topics of great interest to women were the feature of the conference which met in St. James's Hall yesterday, at the invitation of the Women's ...
Article : 476 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 18 May 1918, Page 11
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