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Family Notices : 1,734 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 853 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 1,050 wordsTwo cables appear in our-columns this morning which throw a strong light upon the financial position of the Allies. One from New York announces that ...
Article : 688 wordsIt now seems clear that the Federal Government has decided to disappoint the hopes of a postponement of the referendum which have been entertained from ...
Article : 946 wordsThe leader of the Opposition made the following statement last night:— "The Premier puts forward in this morning's papers a preposterous claim that the Liberal ...
Article : 396 wordsSir,—As an elector of Willoughby and a Liberal, I deeply resent Mr. Holman's remarks. If he thinks for one moment that because the Labour supporters of the late ...
Article : 93 wordsLady Edeline Strickland, presided at a meeting of the Rose Bay Red Cross Branch Society at Cranbrook yesterday afternoon, and afterwards entertained those present to ...
Article : 342 wordsSir,—The extraordinary doctrine is put forward by the State Premier that the winning of the Willoughby seat is not the business of the Labour party. It is, says Mr. Holman, ...
Article : 503 wordsThe case for compulsory national service was the principal theme in the presidential address, of Dr. Long, Bishop of Bathurst, at the annual Anglican diocesan synod, which ...
Article : 1,728 wordsSir,—In reply to Mr, W. D. B. Creagh's letter in this morning's paper, in which he attempts to justify himself for an insulting interjection by garbling the interjection, I ...
Article : 341 wordsSir,—Permit me, as a citizen and public officer, to congratulate the Rev. Ronald G. Macintyre on his able letter in advocacy of voluntary universal service as against the compulsory ...
Article : 372 wordsProfessor Maccallum writes:—"In your issue of Mondny, the Rev. Mr. Macintyre renews his attack on the Universal Service League with fresh arguments, perhaps ...
Article : 483 wordsA meeting of the executive of the Universal Service League will be held to-morrow afternoon at 1.30 o'clock at the head office in University-chambers. It is probable that a series ...
Article : 79 wordsThe executive of the Socialist Labour Party of Australia has adopted n resolution which strongly condemns what it calls an [?]sidious introduction of conscription, Prussianism, and ...
Article : 57 wordsMany representative citizens attended a meeting at the Town Hall to-day, when it was resolved to form a Victorian Branch of the Universal Service League. Dr. Macfarlane, ...
Article : 48 wordsSir,—it was with very pained feelings that this morning I read in your valuable and generally fair paper, that which gives the reading public a wrong impression of what ...
Article : 105 wordsThe Prime Minister (Mr. Fisher) deprerates any suggestion that the Government intend to follow up the linking of the wealth census with the imposition of a wealth tax. He ...
Article : 58 wordsA vivid picture of the t[?] of a foreign (American) woman, living in Germany, the wife of a German doctor, away at the war, is given in the following letter, written by the ...
Article : 1,207 wordsIn connection with the war Ican several persons have forwarded to the Treasury the scrip certificates issued by the Commonwealth Bank. It is desired by the Treasurer t[?]t ...
Article : 84 wordsComplete, arrnngements have been made by the Qunrter-master-General's Branch of the Defence Department for the issue of winter clothing to the troops in Egypt and [?] ...
Article : 95 wordsThe wounded and invalided soldiers began to arrive on Wednesday last at the Military Convalescent Depot here established at Balqubain, the home of Mr. James Leslie, which ...
Article : 60 wordsAn official message has been received 57 Mrs. H. Treloar, that her, husband, Lieut H. Treloar, of the Australian Flying Corps, on active service in the Persian Gulf, is missing. ...
Article : 40 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 22 Sep 1915, Page 10
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