"G. F. K."—Received, but we have other more pressing matter claiming insertion. ...
Article : 14 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 163 wordsTHE GARDEN: Plant leeks, eschalots, celery, and cabbage. Sow cauliflowers, cucumbers, and pumpkins.— THE FIELD: Attend carefully to young tobacco, and keep the ground clear. Harvest begins.—THE VINE: ...
Article : 70 wordsDURING the week English news has been received direct to the end of July, and by way of Adelaide to the 4th of August. ...
Article : 877 wordsTrade is moderate, few wool drays having yet arrived. Twenty bales greasy wool were bought at 6d. per lb. ...
Article : 230 wordsAt the East Maitland pound, on the 20th November, by order of Mr. J. Christian, from Rathluba—A red bullock, white speckled belly, head, and face, like CR or GR near rump, like ...
Article : 3,132 wordsTHE HARVEST.—Reaping has commenced in many parts of the district, and the wheat harvest will, we have no doubt, be an abundant one. There is a great scarcity of hands to get in the ...
Article : 265 wordsThe Mary Jane, schooner, from California, arrived on Saturday, on her way to Sydney, for fuel and provisions, and will resume her voyage to-morrow. ...
Article : 89 wordsWHEAT is realising from 4s. to 4s. 3d. per bushel. FLOUR is still quoted at the mills at £10 10s. for fine, and £9 10s. seconds per ton, but easier ...
Article : 187 wordsNov. 16.—Sabrina, barque, 308 tons, Captain Napper, from Hobart Town the 7th instant. Passengers—Captain M'Kenzie and Mr. Dennison. ...
Article : 4,547 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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