BOROUGH OF ALEXANDRIA. NOTICE is hereby given, that Mr. S. J. Koskett has been duly re-elected Mayor of the above Borough, for the current municipal year....
Government Gazette Private Notices : 37 wordsBOROUGH OF ALEXANDRIA. NOTICE is hereby given, that the undermentioned gentlemen have been duly elected Aldermen and Auditor for the above Borough. Aldermen....
Government Gazette Private Notices : 49 wordsMUNICIPAL BOROUGH OP WINDSOR. MB. Alderman William Irons Crew, of Diglit-street, was on the 9th day of February, duly elected Mayor of the Borough of Windsor....
Government Gazette Private Notices : 37 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF HAMILTON. N0TICJ3 is hereby given, that Mr. George Donald has been duly elected Mayor of the abovenamed Municipal District. JAMES RAY,...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 34 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT <M HAMILTON. NOTICE is hereby given, that the undermentioned gentlemen have been duly elected as Aldermen and Auditors of the above...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 53 wordsELECTION OF MAYOR.—BOROUGH OJf WAGGA WAGGA. IT is hereby notified for public information, that Chas. Wall Esquire, was this day duly elected Mayor of the...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 57 wordsELECTION OF ALDERMEN" AND AUDITORS.— BOEOUQ-H OF WAGGA WACK3A. 12? is hereby notified for public information, that the following Aldormen Hay© been duly...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 65 wordsNOTICE is hereby given, that the following gentlemen have been duly elected for the offices of Aldermen and Auditors for the Borough of St. Leonards:— As...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 56 wordsBOROUGH OF PETERSHAM. NOTICE is hereby given, that Caleb Felix Wilson, of Harrow Road, South Kingston, and William Charles Black, of Brighton-street,...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 51 wordsBOROUGH OF HUNTER'S HILL, THE following gentlemen have been duly elected:— As Aldermen. Mr. Ambrose Fitzpatrick, Foreman of Worts, the Hospital, G-ladesville,...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 58 wordsBOKOUGII OF HUNTER'S HILL. THE following gentlemen, Mr. B. y. G-ale and Mr. A. Fitzpatrick, have been duly appointed Valuators for the current Municipal year....
Government Gazette Private Notices : 36 wordsBOROUGH OF HUNTER'S HILL. NOTICE is hereby given, that Mr. James Seymour has been duly appointed Acting Council Clerk, Bailiff, and Inspector of Nuisances for...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 41 wordsBOROUGH OF HUNTER'S HILL. ME. Alderman B. V. Gale has been duly elected Mayor for the current Municipal year. JAMES SEYMOUR, 14th February, 1876. Acting...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 30 wordsIn the Supremo Court; of New South Wales. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. Iii the will and codicil of John Smith, late of Aehfield, near Sydney, in the Colony of...
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New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), Tue 15 Feb 1876, Page 29
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