MAY 9—Chatham, barque, 540 tons, Captain J. T. Copeland, from Melbourne 4th instant, in ballast. Passengers—Mrs. Copeland, Mrs. Edmonds and child, Miss Mildrew, Mr. and Mrs. ...
Article : 1,866 wordsWHEAT.—From 10s, to 11s. FLOUR.—Fine £27, seconds £25. MAIZE.—From 10s. to 11s. ENGLISH BARLEY.—In much demand. ...
Article : 108 wordsThe Synod of Eastern Australia met in the Free Church, Pitt-street, Sydney, on the 4th May. Present—the Rev. A. M. Sherriff, of Clarence Town, Moderator; Rev. A. Salmon, of ...
Article : 887 wordsWe have received Melbourne papers to the 7th May. S[?] more candidates were coming forward for the additional seats in the Legislative ...
Article : 1,926 wordsMr. A. Dodds, at the East Maitland yards, at twelve, horse stock. Mr. Mort, at his rooms, Pitt-street, Sydney, at eleven, seven allotments of land at Black ...
Article : 50 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 56 words{No abstract available}
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