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  1. Encores at the start, says Borge

    Danish-American comedian Victor Borge at 74 wants to keep on performing because "the tremendous demand still keeps me going and why ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 279 words
  2. Grenada's PM dead: report

    BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Thursday (AAP-Reuter). — Grenada's Prime Minister, Mr Bishop, and several of his former Government ministers have been killed after firing on soldiers, and the Army has taken ...

    Article : 393 words
  3. Pecuniary interests

    Senators agreed in principle yesterday to establish a register or their pecuniary interests, similar to the one set up by the Government to cover ...

    Article : 84 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 204 words
  5. Canberra Times awarded UN peace prize

    The Canberra Times was awarded the United Nations Association of Australia 1983 Media Peace Prize in the print category yesterday. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 624 words
  6. Draw-poker machines outlawed by minister, inquiry to follow

    The owners and operators of drawpoker machines in the ACT had been given until June 30 next year to dispose of them, the Minister for Territories and ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 413 words
  7. Duffy rejects Telecom plan

    The Federal Government has rejected the major thrust of the Davidson inquiry into telecommunications which called for a ...

    Article : 345 words
  8. Premier on the attack over Holding report

    BRISBANE: The Premier of Queensland, Mr Bjelke-Petersen, hit back yesterday at Federal Labor Government allegations that ...

    Article : 428 words
  9. Hawke joins final fray in Brisbane

    The Prime Minister, Mr Hawke, said yesterday that the Queensland conservative parties were "in greater disarray than ...

    Article : 252 words
  10. Jobs for the girls

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 195 words