In a lecture before the Health Society on Monday afternoon Dr. Richard Arthur made a very interesting suggestion. The title of his talk was the "Baby Bonus," as it is called, ...
Article : 784 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 43 wordsIt was very interesting to read that the Education Department is adding an applied art course to its curriculum, and that school girls are to be provided with the means of ...
Article : 617 wordsRace gowns for the coming Spring meetings are occupying the dressmaker's mind at the present moment. Paniers in the modified style will be seen on the lawn. They are pretty in ...
Article : 1,117 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 153 wordsIt is still quite dark in the house, though there is a glimmer of grey in the east, but by the time I am ready to go out there will be light enough to enable me to distinguish ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 970 wordsI'll put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes.—"Midsummer Night's Dream." Sailors have always held a soft place in women's hearts. There is something ...
Article : 1,381 wordsThis subject seems to be one of perennial interest, and a number of readers have been asking the question "What should be a wife's allowance?" ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 787 wordsThat the Australian woman is adaptable by temperament and a helpmate in every sense of the word is no more apparent in the bush than in many of our outlying suburbs. ...
Article : 434 wordsThere is much of very great value in the Montessori system, much that true Mindergartners will gladly adopt, but no kindergartner with any depth of insight into child ...
Article : 1,147 wordsThe comedy "Bunty Pulls the Strings" has had one of the most extraordinary successes of modern times. It has just celebrated its first birthday in London, and there are ...
Article : 269 wordsStill further proof that the recent deliberations of the congress were not merely an end in themselves, but may be expected to have benefical practical results, was given at the ...
Article : 578 words"Are we living B.C or A.D?" is the question asked by Mr. Frederick Burk in the "Ladies' Home Journal." The question is raised by some answers given by a number of ...
Article : 375 wordsThe Arabs have a saying something to the effect, "There are three things that come not back—a spoken word, an arrow, and a lost opportunity." ...
Article : 478 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 11 Sep 1912, Page 5
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