{No abstract available}
Advertising : 68 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 158 wordsKITCHEN GARDEN: Plant potatoes, thyme, marjoram, garlic, eschalots, lettuces, cauliflowers, cabbages. Sow spinach, peas, carrots, parsnips, beetroot, turnips, brocoli, salads, potherbs, parsley, radishes, celery, ...
Article : 100 wordsIT is hardly possible to name any crime, excepting murder itself, which must cause such deep and lasting pain to the sufferers, and, in many cases, ...
Article : 620 wordsThe SPEAKER took the chair. PETITIONS. Mr. PARKES presented a petition praying the improvement of two streets in Sydney, and a petition ...
Article : 1,661 wordsAt a meeting of the Court of Petty Seasons held at East Maitland, yasterday, 10th August, the bench of magistrates proceeded with the revision of the Electoral roll for the police ...
Article : 288 wordsAUGUST 6.—Peter Joseph Duffy, and James Mitchell, of Sydney, timber merchants, on petition and affidavit; schedule to be filed on or before Saturday. Mr. Perry, official assignee. ...
Article : 128 wordsHay is quoted at £4 10s. per ton, unpressed. Flour is quoted lower at two mills, which quote fine at 44s. and seconds at 40s. per 100 lbs. ...
Article : 1,703 wordsA public meeting was held in the magistrates room, at the court-house, for the purpose of considering the best means of expressing the feeling of the inhabitants towards Colonel ...
Article : 104 wordsGENTLEMEN—It appears, from the Mercury of to-day (8th instant), that there is a great contention betwixt the East and West Maitland folks, as to where the court house shall ...
Article : 638 wordsWHEAT—Per bushel, 11s. 6d. to 12s. 6d.; steady. FLOUR—Per 2000 lbs., fine, £40; seconds, £35; ditto. BEAN—Per bushel, 2s. 9d.; no demand. MAIZE—Per bushel, 5s. to 6s.; no demand, market ...
Article : 232 wordsAugust 6.—Admiral Baudin, French ship, 650 tons, Captain Drinot. from Manila 12th June. Passengers— Mr. and Mrs. Cargill. 7.—Waratah (s.), 350 tons. Captain J. Warner, from ...
Article : 1,693 wordsJames Hewitt was indicted for stealing a workbox, &c., the property of William Gray, at Newtown, on the 28th July. Not guilty. James Burns was indicted for attempting to ...
Article : 1,557 wordsBRUTAL ASSAULT UPON A FEMALE.—On Wednesday, at the Barnsly court-house, Wm. Carter, a man of about 56 years of age, a publican and cattle dealer, who resides in ...
Article : 1,322 wordsI'm sitting by the old fire-side, Where I've sat many a time When a mother's smiles encouraged me Upon her lap to climb. ...
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