After tea Mrs. Lisle and her husband, noting the improvement in the weather, went for a stroll. It was almost time for table d'hote when they returned, a good deal wind-buffeted ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 865 wordsOne of the hardest things to explain in human nature is the curious fascination which crime possesses for the ordinary person. Science has brought to the detection of crime a ...
Article : 1,135 wordsOnce upon a time the light essay flourished in England as nowhere else. The most eminent practitioners of letters did not disdain to write of men and things in this form, ...
Article : 589 wordsThe British Army system produces an excellent fighting force, but economically it is wasteful. Voluntary enlistment as compared with conscription necessitates a longer period ...
Article : 501 wordsSince the origin of the Boy Scout movement there have been numerous books which purported to teach boys busbcraft, country lore, and the like. Some of them have consisted ...
Article : 340 wordsIn "Jonah," Mr. Louis Stone has given us an excellent novel. He has taken a phase of Australian life which has been rather neglected by local writers, and laid his setting ...
Article : 436 wordsis an unequalled remedy for Coughs, Colds, and all Chest and Lung Troubles. 1/6 and 3/.—Advt. MELLIN'S FOOD is Starch Free, and is prepared in a ...
Article : 54 wordsRight to-day is the time to get rid of that cough, and not after it has settled, deepseated and hard to move. Do not wait to find you are in danger of pneumonia and other ...
Article : 71 wordsMiss Lilian Turner is widely known as the authoress of bright and agreeable stories, and "April Girls," her last, will add to her laurels. The book deals with the affairs of two ...
Article : 418 words{No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]
Detailed lists, results, guides : 799 wordsDuring these closing nights of the opera season one event after another treads so fast upon the heels of pleasure' that there is hardly space or time for the "trivial fond ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 14 Oct 1911, Page 4
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