Life to the infant, love to the child, The gentle flow of a murm'ring stream, Luil'd by the wind's voice, music mild, Lit by the sun's gay glittering beam: ...
Article : 312 wordsIn our issue of the 15th ultimo, we mentioned that it was understood private despatches had been received by the Governor General, announcing the ...
Article : 1,460 wordsThe amount of gold-dust delivered by the escorts from our gold-fields during the quarter ended the 30th of September, has been 28,253 ozs. 5 dwts. The ...
Article : 2,109 wordsWe are in receipt of Melbourne papers to the 3rd instant. The Argus of the 30th ultimo reports, amongst the insolvency proceedings, the ...
Article : 1,874 wordsMr. Charles Snape, the medical officer of the Wandsworth lunatic asylum, who stands charged with causing the death of a lunatic named Dolby, by administering a shower-bath of half ...
Article : 1,469 words{No abstract available}
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The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Thu 9 Oct 1856, Page 4
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