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  2. Poetry.

    Life to the infant, love to the child, The gentle flow of a murm'ring stream, Luil'd by the wind's voice, music mild, Lit by the sun's gay glittering beam: ...

    Article : 312 words
  3. Sydney News.

    In our issue of the 15th ultimo, we mentioned that it was understood private despatches had been received by the Governor General, announcing the ...

    Article : 1,460 words

    The amount of gold-dust delivered by the escorts from our gold-fields during the quarter ended the 30th of September, has been 28,253 ozs. 5 dwts. The ...

    Article : 2,109 words
  5. Colonial News.

    We are in receipt of Melbourne papers to the 3rd instant. The Argus of the 30th ultimo reports, amongst the insolvency proceedings, the ...

    Article : 1,874 words
  6. British Extracts.

    Mr. Charles Snape, the medical officer of the Wandsworth lunatic asylum, who stands charged with causing the death of a lunatic named Dolby, by administering a shower-bath of half ...

    Article : 1,469 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,179 words