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  2. Court ruling on passive smoke to see 'many sue'

    SYDNEY: A landmark Federal Court ruling passed down yesterday linking passive smoking with lung cancer could clear the way for damages claims against ...

    Article : 424 words
  3. Raiders club guilty of four charges

    The Canberra District Rugby League Football Club Ltd was convicted yesterday of four contraventions of the Liquor Act at the Raiders' Leagues Club Southside. ...

    Article : 206 words
  4. 'Open mind' over Treasury posting

    The Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, had an "open mind" about who should be appointed Secretary to the Treasury, his office said yesterday. ...

    Article : 432 words
  5. Price war hits hard at petrol stations

    Canberra's struggling service stations have been forced into a cut-throat discounting war which has reduced profit ...

    Article : 615 words
  6. ACT is unlikely to get federal support for extra ministries

    The ACT Government is not likely to get any more ministries, ACT Public Service sources believe. It is understood the Chief ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 366 words
  7. Collaery thinks apology; Duby thinks accord

    Tension between Alliance Ministers grew yesterday when the ACT Attorney-General, Bernard Collaery, suggested an apology was in ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 511 words
  8. Aboriginal artist who dances his paintings

    Jarinyanu David Downs is an Aboriginal artist and man of respect. He was born about 1925 on the eastern side of the Great Sandy ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 612 words
  9. Advertising

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    Advertising : 1 words

    MCHAEL Rossiter, a photographer, of Leichhardt, drove to Canberra for the first time yesterday to catch up with friends from his days at ...

    Article : 582 words