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  2. The Canberra Times

    IT HAS been a busy couple of years for unionism, and it promises to become busier still if the Coalition wins the next federal ...

    Article : 932 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 114 words
  4. Letters to the Editor More bans, more potential law-breakers

    MR HUMPHRIES is now threatening to stop liquor advertising. He is obviously a man of energy and ideals, and it hurts to see him waste so ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,255 words
  5. Class traitor or saviour? Votes still out

    Sir John Kerr will go into the history books as the man who brought an end to the Whitlam Government in November 1975. ...

    Article : 2,153 words

    YOU HEAR "dole bludger" used less today, but not that long ago it was a widespread term of abuse. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 895 words