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  1. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 569 words
  2. Lennie' charged in assault case

    SYDNEY: A Sydney crime figure, Leonard Arthur (Lennie) McPherson, and two others have been charged in connection with an ...

    Article : 450 words
  3. Witness admits to being an 'accomplished liar'

    SYDNEY: A key Crown witness in a murder conspiracy trial yesterday agreed he had survived 20 years as a criminal by being an "accomplished and consummate liar". ...

    Article : 404 words
  4. Court allows former Qintex treasurer overseas

    BRISBANE: Another former Qintex executive charged with breaches of the Companies Code is to follow the former chairman, Christopher ...

    Article : 191 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 956 words
  6. Man 'didn't mean to kill' father

    MELBOURNE: A man accused of murdering his father with a steak knife told the Supreme Court yesterday that ...

    Article : 252 words
  7. Beware Herbert's word, jury told

    BRISBANE: A jury has been warned against convicting former Queensland Police Commissioner Sir Terence Lewis of ...

    Article : 233 words
  8. 10 years for gang member

    BRISBANE: An 18-year-old accused of a Gold Coast gang fight murder was acquitted of the charge yesterday but convicted of manslaughter. ...

    Article : 187 words