[1073] Begistrar General's Office, Sydney, 13th February, 1894. TRADE-MARK (REGISTERED No. 4,867) UNDER CLASSIFICATION 43. IT is hereby notified that Allt's...
Government Gazette Notices : 316 words[1018] Police Department, Inspector General's Office, Sydney, 8th February, 1694. INSPECTORS OF SLAUGHTER-HOUSES. BT virtue of an authority vested in me by an...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 135 wordsNOTICE.—A District Court will be held at the Court-houee, Burrowa, on Thursday, the 22nd day of March next, at 10 o'olook in the forenoon, T. FOLEY, Court-hoc...
Government Gazette Notices : 35 words[1071] Registrar General's Office, Sydney. 13th February, 1894. TRADE-MASK (REGISTERED No. 4,371) UNDER CLASSIFICATION 45. IT is hereby notified that tlie...
Government Gazette Notices : 435 words[995] New South Wales Government Eailways, Secretary's Office, Sydney, 8th February, 1894. SALE OF UNCLAIMED AND LOST PROPERTY AT DARLING- HARBOUR, 1st MARCH,...
Government Gazette Notices : 117 words[768] Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage, Sydney, 31st January, 1894. NOTICE TO LAY SERVICE PIPES. Notice to the Owners of Tenements and Pbemibes...
Government Gazette Notices : 153 wordsBOROUGH OF ANNANDALE. NOTICE is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipalities Act of 1867, the following have been duly elected Aldermen and...
Government Gazette Notices : 81 wordsWE, the Judges of the Metropolitan! Suburban, and Hunter District Court holden at Sydney, do hereby appoint, pursuant to the 107th section of the Sydney...
Government Gazette Notices : 98 wordsNOTICE is hereby given that a tracing is now being exhibited at the Local Land Board and Grown Land Offices, showing by green edging an area of 640 acres, at...
Government Gazette Notices : 109 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), Tue 13 Feb 1894, Page 24
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