Two skeins of petticoat fingering or double knitting wool; No. 10 needles. Cast on 108 stitches—36 on each of three needles. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 484 wordsMrs. M. Redford, of Mosman, is more generously and courageously disposed than the majority of her sex. She has dared to put forth a plea for the unmarried mother. Mrs. ...
Article : 428 wordsLISUT. AND MRS. VIVIAN WYSEN-SMITH, Who were married in St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church on November 21. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Meta Parkes. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 24 wordsPerhaps the most popular excursion of the year held by the Australian Historical Society was that which took place when the members visited the historic town of Windsor. This ...
Article : 239 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 18 wordsMrs. E. Marie Irvine, who returned to Sydney by the Malwa, after a trip to England and America, has many interesting things to tell of women's war work in London, ...
Article : 710 wordsMrs. Sibley, hon. organising secretary of the Our Dumb Friends League, writes: "The letters by Will O' the Wise and Hopeful, appearing in your paper, have my entire ...
Article : 881 wordsThis delightful dinner gown is fashioned of rose ninon, with a border of hand embroidery in soft rose, blue, and green shades. The bodice is composed of a band of wide rose ribbon, over which fall dainty sleeves of lace. An artistic touch is given by a girdle of crystal beads. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 54 wordsQueen Emma—the last of the reigning monarchs of the Aborigines Camp at La Perouse—passed away last Sunday morning. This Queen was no proud and haughty ...
Article : 936 wordsMy Dear Bilyarra,—Influence is the order of the day just now in Melbourne, and that is hardly to be wondered at when one considers the practical jokes when ...
Article : 1,726 wordsWhat a tremendous difference there is between London and Paris! "How do you explain this?" said a cosmopolitan friend yesterday. The only explanation ready was ...
Article : 1,814 wordsWHEATLEY—CHERRY.—A pretty wedding was celebrated at St. Thomas' Church, North Sydney, on November 4 by the Rev. H. Crotty, the contracting parties being Mr. ...
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Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), Sun 3 Dec 1916, Page 26
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