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Advertising : 1,036 words"Wowser," the bulldog, was a sort of guide, philosopher, and friend to Frank Hurley and Francis Birtles on their 6000 miles' break into the Never-Never to secure the ...
Article : 360 wordsThe workings af the Secret Service staffs of England and Germany form the engrossing theme of the pat-iotic series "On His Majesty's Service," which is to be shown for the first ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 388 wordsWaddington's Globe Theatre, George-street, is to be the scene, commencing to-morrow, of the presentation of the first of a series of Australian-made photo-plays of a diversified ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 167 words"Our Fighting Navy, a magmneem. sidelight on the reasons for Britain's supremacy at sea, is the feature announced by Wadding-ton's Grand management for to-morrow. A ...
Article : 76 wordsChaplin will be seen wielding a huge club studded with iron spikes at the Crystal Palace to-morrow morning. There will be something unusual about his appearance, the only ...
Article : 94 wordsThe Victoria Theatre, Marrickville, is offering its patrons two exceptionally fine pictures this week. Commencing to-morrow, and running until Wednesday, the filmatised ...
Article : 67 wordsThe Enmore Theatre is out with a bill of headliners this week, there being no less than five stars on the programme. They are: "The Hidden Letters," "A Gentleman of Nerve," ...
Article : 63 wordsA sensational naval film, "Victory," will head the bill at the Alhambra Theatre this week. The film is in five parts, and includes a genuine naval battle, showing the gunners ...
Article : 114 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 19 wordsIn the filmatisation of the literary classics Shakespeare's works have received the greatest consideration. His dramas contain many spectacular scenes and visionary effects to which ...
Article : 172 wordsStarting to-morrow at the Glaciarium and the Olympia, in Oxford-street, West's directors will screen for the first time a big spectacular war drama, entitled "How Heroes are Made." ...
Article : 103 wordsThe seven part film version of Rex Beach's story, "The Spoilers," has been transferred to the Lyric Theatre. The picture has just con-cluded a successful run at the Lyceum, and ...
Article : 93 words{No abstract available}
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Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), Sun 31 Jan 1915, Page 16
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