Further correspondence from pastoralists in the Western Division indicates that the Pastures and Stock Projection Act requires amendment in respect to the voting powers for the election of directors. It ...
Article : 704 wordsMr. A. J. Doust writes from Werombi:—"Notwithstanding all the spraying mixtures advised by the Department of Agriculture, and the use of sulphur fumigation, discase still holds away in the ...
Article : 236 wordsThe Minister for Agriculture has received through the Agent-General copies of a "Bill to Provide for the Eradication of Disease and of Injurious lnsects amongst Fruit Trees in Nursery Gardens." It has ...
Article : 442 wordsALBURY.—The rabbit board now ceases to exist, and with two additional members now constitutes the new pastures protection board. Mr. William Kiddle, of Walbundrie, ana Mr. J. H. Balfour, of ...
Article : 1,158 wordsAn outbreak of swine lever baring been reported within three miles of the radius of Melbourne, the Executive Council on Wednesday issued a proclamation prohibiting the introduction into South ...
Article : 47 wordsMr. C. C. Lance, the Commercial Agent for New South Wales in London, has supplied the following report on the Universal Hygienic Milk Exhibition held at Hamburg in May, 1903. He says that the exhibition covered a wider ...
Article : 1,101 wordsDUBBO.—110 head cattle, Dubbo to Coalbaggie, Marshall Bro[?], owners. and in charge; 50 head cattle. Dubbo to Coonamble, T. Godwin, owner and in charge; 1500 wethers. Dubbo to Bowen Park, executors of late W. ...
Article : 157 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 89 wordsThe Galloway Handicap decided at Ascot on Monday, was (says the "Argus") a remarkable event. In a field of 10 the Escutcheon horse Picton ran home an easy winner from Theorem, Forget-Me-Not, and ...
Article : 546 wordsThere were four or live Grand "National candidates, including the Tasmaninus Orlando and Conquest, among the starters for the Hurdle Race at Moonce Valley to-day, but the winer, Hidalgo, ...
Article : 159 wordsThe usual pony and galloway meeting of the Kensington Racing Club was held yesterday in most favourable weather. There was a large attendance of the public, and the arrangements for the meeting ...
Article : 635 wordsThe winter meeting of the Murrumbidgee R. C. was held to-day in really delightful weather. The course and surroundings never looked better, while the running ground was in capital order. The ...
Article : 737 wordsFine weather prevailed for the Moonee Valley mees, and there was a good attendance. Some of the races produced capital contaste. The owner of Defendant was fined £10 for neglecting to scratch ...
Article : 728 wordsThe following are the results of the various events run at the meeting of the above club at Forest Lodge yesterday:- Butchers Trot, 4[?].—Hornee, 1s in front (R. Rigby), 1; ...
Article : 251 wordsThe following handicaps have been declared for the pony and galloway meeting to be held at Brighton this afternoon:- Traraway Handicap (14.3), 5f.—Horseshoe. 11st 7lb; ...
Article : 227 wordsThe following nominations have been received by the Broken, Hill Jockey Club in connection with its winter meeting to be run on July 22:- Trial Stakes, 6f.—Ducility, Bloudun, Byjerk, Valdimar, ...
Article : 200 wordsThe draw for the Kensington coursing match will take place at Greaves's Forbes Hotel at noon to-morrow (Friday), The card will be called at 8 o'clock on the same evening at the same place. ...
Article : 36 wordsThe follwing entries have been received for the Newtown Bicycle Club's paced 10-mile road championship set down for Saturday next on the Homebush course:—D. Ellis, N. Craig, A. C. Toose, F. ...
Article : 240 wordsA match was played on the [?] this afternoon between New England and Liverpool Plains. Wood, one of the New South Wales selectors, arrived this morning to watch the players. After a good game, New England won ...
Article : 159 wordsThe South Sydney Amateur Athletic Club will run during the hulf-time interval of the intercolonial football match, New Zealand v. New South Wales, a 440 yards open handicap. ...
Article : 81 wordsA wood chopping and sawing co[?]etitions took place at Cataract waterworks yesterday, and were a great success. About 400 were present. Two champions of the Commonwealth competed in the ...
Article : 227 wordsIn a tennis match between Campbelltown and Camden Campbelltown won by 48 games to 28. Jungleburn also defeated Minto by 43 games to 21. SPRINGWOOD, Monday. ...
Article : 81 wordsParticulars of the annual tournament in connection with Tattersall's Club tournament are out. Trophies to the value of £200 are offered, and this year's event gives promise of being the biggest in the way of ...
Article : 116 wordsThe above was continued at Messrs. Heiron and Smith's Billiard Show-rooms, Castlereagh-street, on Tuesday, with the following results:—Alfa receives 250 won by forfeit from G. Hall, receives 270; J. ...
Article : 146 wordsThe Stevenson versus Memott billiard match was continued yesterday afternoon and evening, and when play caused Stevenson had acored 3200 and Memott had 4411 to his credit. The visiter made breaks ...
Article : 52 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 162 wordsThe second competition for the Gun Club Cup, value £50, presented by the club, took place at the above club's ground yesterday with 19 competitors, the previous winner being R. F. Ryrie. The cup has to be won three times, ...
Article : 250 wordsSir,—I have not seen the letter of Mr. Ken. Y. Wilson, which, in a recent issue of the "Herald," is said to have contained Certain charges against the management of the National Park, effectively ...
Article : 905 wordsSir,—Your two articles—April 10 and May 22—on the mining industry have touched upon a question of greatest importance to this country. If the unemployed difficulty is to be reduced it will be mainly ...
Article : 542 wordsAs stated in yesterday a issue of the "Herald" H.M.S. Wallaroo, after an absence of eight months in New Zealand waters, returned to Sydney on Tuesday afternoon. The visit to the island colony proved ...
Article : 676 wordsA meeting of the Actuarial Society of New South Wales was held in the Mutual Life Associationbuildings, George-street, on Tuesday, Mr. R. D. Miller, F.F.A. presiding. Messrs. T. A. Coghlan, ...
Article : 473 wordsA meeting of the health committee of the City Council was held yesterday afternoon, Alderman Fitzgerald presiding. A report wheh was received from Dr. W. G. ...
Article : 212 wordsThe official opening of the new Glebe Island bridge will be performed by the Premier at 3 p.m. next Wednesday. It may be stated that the work which is to supersede the old wooden ...
Article : 477 wordsUnquestioned is the value of the work done by the Young Men's Christian Association. It nims principally at reaching and benefiting young men, provides the means to help them in their sense of self-respect. ...
Article : 280 wordsWe have already published the text of Mr. Cham berlain's great Birmingham speech on preferential trade within the Empire; but there is additional interest in revie[?]e published in the English press, ...
Article : 1,704 wordsYesterday afternoon and evening there were crowded attendances at the Missionary Loan Exhibition which is being held in St. Paul's Schoolroom, Redfern, in connection with the Church Missionary ...
Article : 227 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 106 wordsAt a recent special meeting of the Balmain Council, held for the purpose of considering a drastic report in connection with the recent outbreak of typhoid fever in the suburb, it was resolved to ask Dr. Stokes, assistant city ...
Article : 1,310 wordsFor over a year the Parramatta water supply has been exhausted, and the council has been using water to supply [?] ratepayers from the Prespect scheme. Considering that the reticulation service belongs to the council. ...
Article : 150 wordsAt the Parramatta Council on Monday evening resolotions were carried condemning certain houses as until for human habitation, and calling upon the owners to effect repairs to the satisfaction of the health officer. On the ...
Article : 89 wordsThe secretary of the Parramatta District Hospital has called the attention of the Parrmatta Burough Council to the fact that the fresh water portion of the river was being polluted by dramage from the town being carried into it. ...
Article : 140 wordsA largely attended meeting was held in the Granville Town Hall in connection with the annual meeting of the organisation of the Salvation Army carrying on the resene and prison-gate work. The Mayor, Alderman Lane, ...
Article : 98 wordsA Licensing Court was held at Parramatta yesterday, before Mr. T. E. M'Nevin, S.M., and Mr. D.D. Henderson, L.M. Re ewals of public as; license were granted to Stephen Guinery. Granville Hotel; Margaret Boden ...
Article : 131 wordsThe Rockwood Council is considering the question of street lighting, and at last meeting a resolution was carried instructing the couucil clerk to collect any information he could in the matter, with a view to taking a p[?] vote ...
Article : 232 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 178 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 25 Jun 1903, Page 4
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