A great many squatters may be frequently heard talking about their wool, and enlarging on its merits as regards weight and quality, while they praise up their runs as capital "wool-growing country," and are ...
Article : 1,295 wordsLAND OFFICE DAY.—On Tuesday, 4th instant, five lots of agricultural land were selected, varying in extent from 43 to 100 acres, and amounting to 371 acres—all within the county of Clarence. ...
Article : 318 wordsGENTLEMEN—It has become almost proverbial that New South Wales, with all her golden opportunities, still remains the slowest British colony the sun shines on. Her sister Victoria, a mere infant by comparison, ...
Article : 146 wordsTHE BIG HOLE AT [?].—The 19th instant is fixed upon as the day for effecting a descent or exploration of the subterraneous cavity, known as the Big Hole at Emeu Flat, Ornmeir. The person who in ends ...
Article : 1,638 words{No abstract available}
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