Miss Mabel Harwood, daughter of the late Hon. Thomas Harwood, M.L.C., of Geelong, was given a farewell tea party prior to her departure for London by the s.s. Ascanius. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Advertising : 734 wordsMiss Brooke's first representation is in her act at the National in an ordinary evening dress, a Saxe-blue cashmere satin veiled with black ninon, and trimmed with jewelled ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 253 wordsThe Paris "Opinion," which has set itself the task of finding out what the young French woman of to-day thinks, publishes the first instalment of answers to its inquiries. They ...
Article : 252 wordsSir John Cockburn, at the Royal Sanitary Institute in London, said that health was very closely akin to holiness, and their derivation was identical. Moses was the first medical ...
Article : 179 words"What has become of men's table manners ?" asks a lady correspondent. "I spend most of my life in hotels, and used to be accustomed to thoughtful attention from ...
Article : 93 wordsHe dislikes a woman who will spend all her time trying to convince him that he is wrong, and does it. He dislikes excitement at the dinner table. ...
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Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), Sun 1 Jun 1913, Page 25
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