{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 3,855 wordsArrived:Whangaron, scow, from Clarence River. Sailed: Asia, barque, for Melbourne, (For Contnuation of Stripping sea Page 10.) ...
Article : 845 wordsConsiderable interest was taken in the returns as they came to hand showing the 10 leading candidates. There was an extraordinary mixture of votes, numbers being disappointed in the result, ...
Article : 1,782 wordsThe retuns of the polling for the election of the Victorian delegates to the Federal Covention are still incomplete, but the figures yet to be received are hardly likely to displace any of the leading ...
Article : 283 wordsThe following the final returns of the polling:— Sir P.Fysh 5375 Sir E. Braddon 5173 Mr. Henry Dobson 4[?]2 Mr. John Henry 4197, Mr. N. E. lewis [?] Mr. N.J. Brown 3546 Mr. C. H. Grant 34[?], Mr. ...
Article : 289 wordsSir,—If "Historicus" is satisfied so am I.— ...
Article : 27 wordsFiction has come to be with a great class of the less educate as well as of the cultivated, a kind of necessity, supplying a half physcial, half mental need as nothin else apparently can. From this need ...
Article : 1,205 wordsA fire broke out yesterday afternoon in the property of Mr. William Cowell. There being no water at hand no attempt could be made to extinguish the flames, and in consequence the house ...
Article : 1,861 wordsThe annual meeting of the New castle Chamber of Commerce was held at the rooms of the clumber this afternoon. The president (Mr. G. Bewick) occupied the chair and among those present ...
Article : 1,290 wordsAnother instance of what may be formed the general antipathy to the present apparently high differential rates was exemphtied this afternoon by the appearance of 52 bales of wool from the Barraba ...
Article : 169 wordsThere has been a noticeable falliug-off in the quantity of coal exported during the week ended to-day. The total quantity was 38,962 tons, distributed as follows:—Victoris, 10,180 tons: India, ...
Article : 77 wordsAn inquest was held by the city Coroner this afternoon on the body of F. G. Phillips, second officer of The vessel Lady Ca[?], who fell down the hold of his ship last evening. The evidence showed that ...
Article : 98 wordsMr. Jamed Curlry the miners' secretary, has received a letter from Mr. Ben. Jones thankin hum for the kindness accorded to the Manchester Cooperative delegates on the occasion of their visit to ...
Article : 77 wordsAt the last meeting, held on the 2nd instant, the Mayor, Alderman Jas. Perry presided, and the following were also present:—Aldermen W. Houston, G. Gale. J. Robertsen, P.Royali, T. J. Lowe, W. T. Waters, J. W. Bundock ...
Article : 356 wordsAt the last meeting there were present:— Aldermen Hodson (Mayor), Light, Well. Hitchell, Pilcher, Addus, Ma[?]ws and [?]. A letter from the [?]town Council drawing attention to the state of the crossing ...
Article : 219 wordsA meeting or the Earning and Rydalmere Council was held on the evening of the 24th instant when there were present.—Aldermen II. Jenkias (Mayer), Kirby. Spurway, and Swame. The Works Department wrote stating that ...
Article : 141 wordsThe above council met last Monday (lst March), when the Mayor (Alderman Anderson)presided, the following being also present:—Aldermen Robinron jacobsen Arpeute, Schu[?]er, Black Clarke Watson, and Wilson, and ...
Article : 407 wordsThe Mayor. (Alderman J. H. Lucas) presided at the meeting of the Five Dock Council held on Thursday night. There were also present- Aldermen Aplin, Rodd, Baker Pa[?] and G[?]est. On behalf of Mrs. Edwards a firm of ...
Article : 268 wordsAt the monthly meeting of the above council, held on the 1st March, the Mayour (Alderson Ca[?]y) p[?]csided the following also being present:— Alderment Hu[?]inson Mac[?], L[?], Law, D[?], West, Ab[?] M-Neil ...
Article : 358 wordsAt the last meeting of this, council; the Mayour (Alderman Barff) presiding, the Board of Health wrote relative to the registration of poultry and pig farmers, requesting the council to appoint a suitable person to see that those who ...
Article : 335 wordsThe above council met on the 1st March, the Mayor (Alderman [?]ould) presiding, and the following being also present: Aldermen Farr. Seculler, Benson. Morehouse, Leslic, Clarke. Henson, Perkics, Brewer, Joseph[?]on, and ...
Article : 444 wordsA meeting of the Mosman Council was held in the council-chambers on Tuesday, the 33rd instant. The Mayor (Alderman John Noble presided, and there were also present Aldermen M[?]iley. Rose Cowies, Taylor, Alderson, ...
Article : 445 wordsThis council met on 2nd March the Mayor (Alderman William Cox) presiding there being also present-Aldermen W. [?]gg, M.L.A., J.F. Smith Howe, H.T.Morgan Jolly, Ibbotson, Eistub, Ekin, and King, and the clerk ...
Article : 179 wordsA meeting of this council was held on the 24th February, when there were present: The Mayor (Alderman Muston), and Aldermen Carpenter, Jamleson, Gifferd, Gleadall. Hollier, and Jones. The Railway Commissioners ...
Article : 99 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 832 wordsA special meetinf of the above council was held on the evening of the 25th February for the purpose chiefly of dealing with f[?]ncial matters. The Mayour (Alderman Start) presided, the following also being present:— ...
Article : 262 wordsThis council met on the 23rd February. The Mayour presided, and Aldermen M'Kenzie, Ailen Gord[?]n, Christie, Richards, and Slatyer were present. Is reply to a letter from the Gaslight Company ...
Article : 258 wordsThe following passengers are engaged by the Orent [?] Ormuz, sailing hence to-day:— For London: Ms Gillet, Miss Gillett, Mr. and Mrs. T. Arafield and child, Mr.F.G. Bull, Mr. W. Foggin, Mr. T. Perra, Mr. E.C. De[?]er, ...
Article : 1,019 wordsThis vessel, from New York, left on the 11th November, crossed the equator on the 13th December, the Cape on the 26th December, met with a lot of ice on the run across the Southern Ocean, and otherwise had an uneven[?]ful pa[?] ...
Article : 37 wordsThe Maritta (s.) will sail from Sydney this day at 6 p.m. for Melbourne, Adelaide, Albany, Fre[?]tle, and Ge[?] ton. The Fitzrey (s.) salts [?] to-day at 10 a.m for Brisbane and ports to Rockhampton. The We[?]ga(s.) ...
Article : 67 wordsThe Tarawera arrived at Wellington, from Sydney, on Wednesday evening. The Rotokino left O[?]maru, for Sydney, on Thursday The Rekanoa leaves Dunedin, for Newcastle, on Sunday. ...
Article : 41 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 6 Mar 1897, Page 10
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