The n[?]w Bank Bill, as finally approved by Ministers and bank managers yesterday, and distributed in the Legislative Assembly to members last night, reads as follows— ...
Article : 852 wordsAs a consequence of the feeling of financial unrest the authorities of the London Chartered Bank of Australia have decided to suspend payment pending reconstruction. ...
Article : 1,206 wordsA representative of the S.M. Herald waited upon the leader of the Opposition at Parliament House last evening in the hope that that gentleman would communicate his views upon the ...
Article : 707 wordsThe success of the scheme for the reconstruction of the Commercial Bank of Australia is now regarded as assured, and as only a few minor details remain to be settled, Mr. Turner, the general ...
Article : 151 wordsAll signs of excitement are at an end in connection with the banks. Slight withdrawals have taken place, but as the local banks have received supplies of gold no inconvenience is occasioned. Most of the money ...
Article : 708 wordsSir,—I think if those persons who are drawing out money from banks would only look at what they are doing they would hesitate before they went further. In the first place, it is admitted on ...
Article : 221 wordsSir,—A[?]er an experience of 54 years in Australian banking, I now realise the fact that for a large portion of that time, say the last 25, we have been working on lines that the nature and magnitude of ...
Article : 409 wordsSir,—The steps that have been taken by the Government in the present crisis have been [?] judicious, and have had such an excellent effect, that it is certainly entitled to ask for a very favourable ...
Article : 1,401 wordsSir,—The financial excitement of last week was not confined to Sydney, as many country folks know full well. Complaisant managers of certain branch banks were, for awhile, as unpopular as jailors, and ...
Article : 893 wordsA good deal of interest is being manifested in political circles just now, when an early pro[?]ogation is expected, and members will have to speak to their constituents, and, it may be, prepare what is ...
Article : 589 wordsThe sixth annual prize meeting in connection with the Western Rifle Association commenced here this morning. The weather early in the day was favourble for shooting, but later on rain interrupted the ...
Article : 406 wordsA large public meeting was hold in the Centennial Hall last night to consider a petition to the Minister o[?] Mines on the question of mining on private property. The chairman of the Progress Committee ...
Article : 231 wordsA new departure in coal mining was made at the East Lambton on colliery yesterday morning. Ten men who had arranged to take thi pit on tribute arrived at the colliery. The majority of them were ...
Article : 3,243 wordsThe second day's display of the National Horticultural and Pomological Society's Show was continued at the Exhibition Building, Prince Alfred Park, yesterday, when the chief attractions were a pianoforte ...
Article : 892 wordsThe council m[?] on Monday, 21th instant, there being present the Mayor (Alderman R. H. Judd) presiding, with Aldermen Hayes, Edwards, Stuart, Geering, Baker, and the council clerk (Mr. A. ...
Article : 598 wordsSir,—Our attention has been dran to your report of the above case, which winds up as follows:—"The defence was a denial of the contract, but his Honor, who gave judgment to-day, assessed damages at £45, ...
Article : 143 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 223 wordsNews was received yesterday evening from the head office in Australia of the London Chartered Bank of Australia that it had been determined to suspend payment. The position of this bank has ...
Article : 2,361 wordsThe steamer Port Albert arrived from London this morning with 323 officers and men for the Australian Squadron. Amongst them is Captain J. E. C. Goodrich, who has been appointed to the ...
Article : 195 wordsThe Western Australian Eleven have returned to Perth. They speak highly of the treatment they received in South Australia and Victoria. Mr. North, the manager of the team, says the ...
Article : 80 wordsThe Corinna sailed for Sydney, via D[?]vonport, with the following cargo:—760 bags bark, 360 bags pyrites, 1392 bags potatoes, 58 ingots zin[?], 234 bags turnips, 135 cases fruit, 835 ingots tin, ...
Article : 68 wordsRain commenced to fall early this morning, continuing till midday, and greatly interfering with the agricultural show. There is now a cold wind, and the weather is damp. The exhibits ...
Article : 299 wordsStock movements.—12,569 store wethers, from Ranger's Valley to Killarn[?]y, Narrabri, W. F. Buchanan owner; 1000 fat sheep, Moree to Grafton, Champain owner; 862 fat wethers, from East Lynn ...
Article : 484 wordsThe following are the weights for [?] Autumn Meeting:- BRISBANE CUP—Splend[?], 9st [?]b; Tride[?], [?]st 7[?]b; Buttons, 8st 12[?]b; Ca[?]dour, 8st 12[?]b; Zingara, 8st 10[?]b; ...
Article : 176 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 26 Apr 1893, Page 8
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