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    Hold up two coins and ask your audience if anyone would care to try and hold them, edge to edge, between the thumb and forefinger of ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 158 words

    Last night, when I was fast asleep, A little fairly came And said to me, "Oh! come and play. This very lovely game." ...

    Article : 146 words
  4. SMILES!

    Willie: "I have one more bone in my body than you have." Jimmie: "Don't be silly." Willie: "Yea, I have! I just ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 327 words

    Leather, more than any other material, is impervious to the wind, and hence is very valuable as an article of clothing in countries where ...

    Article : 88 words
  6. Why Should Games, form an Important Part in Our Every-day Lives?

    During play parts of the body which are not used at other times are brought into use, and those which are often strained and tired are ...

    Article : 58 words

    I expect you are laughing at this funny little dolly. But isn't she sweet, and just like the pictures you have seen of fairy godmothers. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 149 words

    Any boy or girl can make this jolly pair of scales, and they will be very useful when you play "shops," won't they? ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 159 words
  9. What is a Cheque?

    A cheque is a written order made upon a bank to pay a stated sum of money to the person named on the cheque. The person to whom ...

    Article : 53 words

    Why is "Pranks" like a fortune? Because everybody longs for it. What word is that, meaning a height, which, when reversed, means ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 311 words
  11. What Length is a Cricket Pitch? What are the "Creases"?

    The distance from wicket to wicket is twenty-two yards. The creases are two lines, which indicate the houndaries of both bowler and batsman. ...

    Article : 86 words
  12. What is Meant by the Organs of the Body?

    The organs of the body are those parts which perform special functions. Thus the organ of hearing is the ear of smell the nose, and so ...

    Article : 75 words

    Obtain two coins from your audience and before you place them on the table, take note of their dates. Let us suppose the date on the ...

    Article : 137 words
  14. What is a Middleman?

    A middleman is a wholesale dealer who takes produce from the manufacturer and distributes it to retailers. If there is an unnecessary ...

    Article : 51 words
  15. What Points Should be Borne in Mind with Regard to Exercise?

    (a) It should be regularly indulged in and should be as varied as possible (b) It should be carried out as far as possible in the open air. ...

    Article : 96 words
  16. What is the Difference Between an Aeroplane and an Airship?

    An aeroplane is a heavier-than-air machine, supported by the pressure of its planes on the air. An airship is lighter than air. It is ...

    Article : 58 words
  17. GYP AND HIS KENNEL.—An Easy Model for You to Make Up.

    Firit of all paste the model on to some thin cardboard and when it is dry cut out Gyp and his kennel round the thick lines. Now, you see the upright dotted lines! The model must be folded back at these so that you have make a kind of box. Then the two top pieces fold over to form the roof of the kennel. The tabs at the end must be stuck with glue on to the sides. And, of course, don't forget to cutout the door! Wouldn't Gyp be sad if he had such a lovely kennel and could not sleep in it! The tabs on the little doggie's feet help him to stand up, if you bend them un der, and then you can just put him inside his house. He does look jolly, doesn't he? ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 153 words



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