{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 46 wordsKITCHEN GARDEN: Sow broad beans, peas, onions, cabbases, radishes, lettuce, and spinach. Transplant horse radish, eschalots, rhubarb, asparagus, leeks, and all culinary herbs. Save cabbages and onions for seed. Trench and manure new ...
Article : 180 wordsSome of our correspondents, who send us reports of cricket matches, poetry, and other letters intended for publication, forget to enclose their name as guarantee for authenticity of contents. We are obliged to put such letters in the ...
Article : 112 wordsTHERE can be no better illustration of the difficulty surrounding legislation on the land law than the peculiarity of the expression of public opinion,—as contradistinguished from ...
Article : 1,660 wordsThe Emperor William has approved of the introduction into the Prussian Chamber of a bill for the suppression of religious orders. The Bishop of Munster, lately imprisoned, has ...
Article : 53 wordsThe new Bishop of Ballarat was consecrated to--day, in Westminster Abbey, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, assisted by the Bishops of London, Ely, Melbourne, and Goulburn. ...
Article : 34 wordsSir Alexander Gordon, the Governor of Fiji, has received extended powers for the protection of the coast tribes of New Guinea. ...
Article : 28 wordsA terrific colliery explosion took place at Banker's Hill,in Staffordshire, by which 35 men were killed. ...
Article : 23 wordsThe copper market is steady, and prices are firm. Chili, £82 to £83; Australian, £28 to £91. The tin market is heavy and unsettled, with receding quotations. Straits, £82 to £83; Australian, ...
Article : 42 wordsA Banquet has been given to his Excellency Sir George F. Bowen, G.C.M.G. It was presided over by his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, and was a great success. About 300 gentlemen were present. ...
Article : 121 wordsAn innuential deputation had an interview with the Secretary of State for the colonies, in reference to the annexation of New Guinea. The Earl of Carnarwon acknowledged the importance of the ...
Article : 111 wordsThe Hon.J. Vogel has arranged for the laying of a cable between New Zealand and Sydney, in order to bring the colony of which he is Premier into telegraphic communication with the Australian colonies, ...
Article : 51 wordsArrivals.— Knight Commander, from Sydney 27th December; Westbury, from Launceston; Elizabeth Graham, from Canterbury 15th January. ...
Article : 24 wordsThe Belgium reply to Germany does not treat generally of the question raised in the German Note. A series of resolutions for the suppression of ...
Article : 45 wordsOn Friday afternoon, the 23rd April, the parents and friends of the pupils of the East Maitland Public school assembled at the school-room for the purpose of witnessing the presentation by the children of an ...
Article : 803 wordsMinisters, in answer to questions, stated: 1. That Mr. J. Kevin, five years ago, obtained his present classification in accordance with the promises of article 39; and that Mr. Kevin had been appointed ...
Article : 1,828 words[Herald.]—The river lins risen sixteen feet, and is still rising, with every appearance of a flood. It is still raining. The river has risen four feet from six o'clock to eleven o'clock. ...
Article : 115 words[Herald.]—There has been heavy rain here since Saturday morning; it fell incessantly all last night, and continues. The river is fifteen feet above the usual height. The new bridge is wholly submerged, ...
Article : 105 words[Evening News.]—The river is fourteen feet over the bridge, but is now going down. The weather is fine. ...
Article : 22 words[Herald.]—Fischer and Beard's crushing realised 1028 oz.from 118 tons. ...
Article : 12 words[Herald.]—The annual meeting of members of the Mechanics' Institute was held last evening, for the reception of the report and balance-sheet for the past year, and the election of officers for the present year. ...
Article : 112 words[Herald.]—At a meeting of conditional purchasers held here, the proposed amendments in the Land Act, as embodied in the Amendment Bill, have been condemned. ...
Article : 27 words[Echo].—An important public meeting was held in the Court House last night, the Mayor in the chair, for the consideration of the amendment proposed in the new Land Bill. A petition was agreed upon, ...
Article : 78 words[Echo].—Roderick M'Kenzie, charged with the One Tree Hill sticking-up, and apprehended at Bathurst, was discharged by the Qeanbeyan bench yesterday, the prosecutor failing to identify the ...
Article : 70 words[Herald.] —The Government steamer Thetis, with Captain Hixon, Superintendent of Marine Board, and Mr. Barnet and members of the Marine Board, arrived last night, and this morning selected a ...
Article : 44 words[Herald.]—The schooner Victory went ashore on the beach to the northward of the Heads this evening. No chance "of getting her off. Arrived.—Schoolboy, and Alice Jane. ...
Article : 29 words[Herald]—The kotch Bernard and Isabel, while endeavouring on Sunday corning to clear the port of Kiama, missed stays, and was driven on the rocks on the north side. The wind was easterly, and ...
Article : 69 words[Herald.]—The Havilah requires repairs, and sails south on Tuesday. Nothing further has transpired at Noumea as to the fate of Rastoul and his companions. ...
Article : 280 words[Herald]—The Divorce Court has decreed dissolutions of marriage in the cases of Burgess v. Burgess and Wright v. Wright. Bell won the sculling match against Christie on ...
Article : 729 words[Herald.]—Arrived.—Omeo (S.), from Newcastle. Sailed.—Loch Lomond, ship, for London; Great Britain (S.), for Liverpool. Monday. ...
Article : 61 words[Herald.]— The Crownthorpe has been chartered to load wheat for Sydney. Wheat is dull at 4s. 1d. The R.M.S. Golconda passed Cape Jervis at 6.40 ...
Article : 127 wordsOn Monday evening Mr. William Macleay was ontertained at a banquet in the Parliamentary Refreshment-room, prior to his departure for New Guinea. The Hon. John Hay, President of the ...
Article : 708 wordsOn Thursday last the sales of Exhibition stock took place on the Show Ground by Messrs. Nathan Cohen and Co. There was a large attendance, but the bidding was not particularly brisk, except for ...
Article : 690 wordsOn Tuesday and Wednesday last, April 27th and 28th, the third exhibition of the L. P. P., A., and H Association took place at Tamworth, on the ground formerly used for the same purpose, and owned by ...
Article : 2,059 wordsThe severe illness of Mr. Francis White terminated on Tuesday evening in death. The illness, which in Maitland is attributed as its commencement to overwork, assumed a typhoid character very early, and ...
Article : 460 wordsThe following entrances were received by the Secretary, on Monday afternoon, for the Newcastle May races, which are to be run on the Newcastle course on Monday and Tuesday, May 24 and 25. ...
Article : 619 wordsThe first meeting of this newly-formed Jockey Club, to be held at Singleton on the 3rd and 4th June [?]ext. Promises to be very successful, judging from the numerous nominations for the two prinicpal ...
Article : 304 wordsThe following telegram was posted at the Ex— change on Tuesday:- The R.M S. Brisbane left Singapore yesterday with 280 Chinamen for Cooktown, and full of saloon ...
Article : 82 wordsMay 1.—Maurince O'Connor, of Darlinghurst, assistant baillff. Liabilities. £273 18s. 2d., of which £68 10s, is secured. Assets, £10. Mr. Sandeman, official assignee. ...
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The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Thu 6 May 1875, Page 2
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