A meeting of the City Improvement Board was held in the Board rooms,Macquarie-street, yesterday afternoon, when there were present,—Messrs. B. Backhouse (in the chair), W. Bailey, J.P., F. Senior, J.P., Craig ...
Article : 231 wordsThe executive committee met on Tuesday. Mr. John Young was in the chair. Many applications from several portions of the colony were received and dealt with, nine of them being from the Macleay; sums from £10 ...
Article : 194 wordsThe monthly meeting of the ladies' committee was held at the Town Hall yesterday morning, Present— The lady president (Mrs. Sydney Burdekin, Mayoress), Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Geo. Harris, Mesdames Warren, ...
Article : 291 wordsA public meeting, under the auspices of the Licensed Victuallers' Association of New South Wales was hold in the School of Arts. St. Leonards, last evening, for the purpose of considering certain resolutions in ...
Article : 2,074 wordsThe following notifications appeared in yesterday's Government Gazette:- NUISANCES PREVENTION ACT.—The Nu[?]sances Prevention Act, 1875, shall come into operation in the ...
Article : 676 wordsSir,—Mr. H. C. Dangar, in the Legislative Council, is reported to have said, during the debate upon the federation resolutions on Wednesday last—" If over there was a question upon which they should first have ...
Article : 527 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 49 wordsMajor-General Richardson, C.B., after consultation with the O.C.A.F. and O.C.V.A., has decided that No.2battery,V.A., shall be drilled as a field battery in place of No. 7 battery, V.A., which will become a ...
Article : 1,589 wordsThe above teams met on Saturday last at Camden to fire the return match, when the N.A.V. won by 29 points, usual conditions, 7 shots at each range. After the match, the Camden team entertained their visitors ...
Article : 189 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 115 wordsWhat promises to be an interesting and enjoyable meeting takes place to-day under the management of the Warwick Farm Racing Club, at their prettflysituated course near George's River, and visitors will ...
Article : 1,717 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 239 wordsAppended are the entries received yesterday for the Rosehill pony and galloway races to be held on the 17th instant:- HURDLE RACE—1[?] mile. ...
Article : 137 wordsThe following entries were received yesterday for the July meeting on the 19th instant:- EMPIRE HANDICAP—6 furlongs. Hornpipe, [?]etort, W D, Denman, Oroya, Maria Hayden, ...
Article : 180 wordsThe following entries were received yesterday for the above club's trotting and race meetings, on Wednesday and Thursday next, 16th and 17th instant:- WEDNESDAY, JULY 16.—FIRST DAY. ...
Article : 292 wordsIn the Grand National Hurdle betting an extensive commission was executed to-day in favour of Pingara, who was backed to win several thousands on behalf of the stable, and by the outside public, ...
Article : 205 wordsThe amateur races have been postponed until Friday, August 16, the day following the show. ...
Article : 25 wordsThe following are the weights for the annual races of the above club on the 1st and 2nd proxime:- TRIAL STA[?]ES. Cariovitch, 8st 111b; Frank Agatha, 8st; Yallarol, 7st 101b; ...
Article : 258 wordsThe fourth and concluding day's coursing in connection with the Australian Champion Stakes took place on the Moonee Valley Plumpton to-day. The weather, though cold, was [?]er than on any of the preceding ...
Article : 533 wordsAcceptances for the Lillie Bridge 75 Yards Handicap close on Tuesday. Entries for the Lillie Bridge Sixth Novice Handicap close on Monday. ...
Article : 174 wordsThe finals of the Carrington 7th Novice Handicap were run off last night, the result being a win for A. Turner, off the 19 yards mark. Turner won the heats in the second and third rounds without any difficulty, ...
Article : 593 wordsSlowgrove's 1OOYardsHandicap was run off yesterday, and the race was won by W. Rea. off the 3½ yards mark. In the first round the winners wera:- E. Rudd 5½ yards, J. Dononne [?], C. M. West [?]. J. Farrell ...
Article : 96 wordsA match will be played on the Association Cricket Ground thisafternoon between the Bathurst and Western District players and a team representing the Sydney senior clubs. Play will commence at [?]. Previous ...
Article : 60 wordsThe postponed hill-climbing contest of the Sydney. Bicycle Club will take place to-day on the road to South Head, starting from Rose Bay, and finishing at the top of the hill. Pu[?]etually at 3.30 the limit man, C. ...
Article : 66 wordsThe annual meeting of the Parramatta Rowing Club was held in the School of Arts on Thursday evening, the Mayer of Parramatta, Mr. W. J. Ferris, presided. The annnal report, which was looked upon as ...
Article : 538 wordsSir,—I see by this morning's Herald that the Sydney Tramway and Omnibus Company are proposing to run cable trams fhrougn the streets of Sydney. I have every sympathy with any scheme which will facilitate ...
Article : 276 wordsSir,—The proposition of "Lex" for the abolition of the order known as "Certificated Conveyancers" is much to be admired Such a method would naturally suggest itself to one who professes to pos[?] as the ...
Article : 405 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 13 wordsIt is not easy to master the intricacies of Russian finance (state a London paper), and even an expert, such as the Commercial Attache at St. Petersburg, who has drawn up a memorandum on the Budget of 1890, ...
Article : 1,182 wordsA correspondent of the Times has had an opportunity of visiting the Hospice de Sa[?] in Paris, and witnessiug some experiments on hypnotic patients conducted by Dr. Gainon, who is associated with Dr. Char[?]t ...
Article : 930 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 37 wordsSir,—Having read meny of the letters on the above [?]eading appearing in your valuable paper, I regret very much that one very important point has not been alluded to, and would wish a more able pen than mine ...
Article : 993 wordsSir,—Sir Alfred Stophen considers that I have "calumniated" him by the following passage in my protest against the Divorce Bill:—"It is specially a matter for protest that, while actually discharging the ...
Article : 1,218 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 12 Jul 1890, Page 7
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