Mr. C. B. Stephen appeared for the paintiff, John See, of Su[?]sex-street, and moved, under the Absent Defendants' Act, for a writ of attachment directed to Captain Ogivie, master of the defendants' vessel, ...
Article : 3,955 wordsIn the Charge Division of the Water Police Court yesterday, Walter Mowbray, 21, clerk, was charged with having forged a cheque for £11 13s 4d on the English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank, purporting ...
Article : 164 wordsAt the Central Police Court yesterday, before Mr. W. Johnson, S. M., Senior—constables West and Murdoch proceeded against several Chinese for having kept a gambling-house, Ling Sing, or Chong Lee, ...
Article : 236 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 65 wordsMr. Whittingdale Johnson, S.M., presided at the CENTRAL POLICE COURT yesterday. Edward Hatton, 35, a bricklayer, on a charge of having neglected to pay the sum of £9 10s, due on an ...
Article : 966 wordsThe City Coroner held an inquest at the Grand Pier Hotel, Manly, yesterday, touching the death of Rosalin Clarke. From the evidence adduced it would appear that deceased was the wife of Thomas Clerke, residing ...
Article : 158 wordsThe City Deputy Coronrt held an inquest at the Croydon Hotel, yesterday, relative to the death of a man name unknown, who was drowned the previous morning at the Circular Quay. It appears that on Thursday ...
Article : 338 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 12 Jul 1890, Page 13
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