Wednesday was largely occupied by the affair of Louise Collins, whose method of procuring a divorce by means of arsenic is open to serious objection, Before the broaching of her case, however, various questions ...
Article : 1,745 wordsThe Legislative-Assembly early this morning further considered the Public Health Bill. Some of the clauses were dropped to meet objections, and the measure, as amended, was passed. The House ...
Article : 731 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 83 wordsThe fortnightly meeting of the Kogarah Council was held on Monday, the 17th instant. Present: The Mayer (Alderman Myles M'Rae), Aldermen Wise, Hermann, Hatfield, English, and Chapellow. The finance committee ...
Article : 580 wordsJockeys and trainers engaged at the A. J. C. Summer Meeting are reminded that tickets of admission to the paddock will not be obtainable after 4 p.m. this day, and up to that hour they may be procured at the office of the A. J. C, ...
Article : 870 wordsAppended are the entries received yesterday for the Canterbury Park December Meeting:— FLYING HANDICAP—6 furlongs 50 yards. Hoppicker, Cobweb, Simoon, Fuse, Kingsgrove, Aille, ...
Article : 190 wordsThe following nominations were received yesterday for the January meeting of the Moorefield Racing Club:— TRAMWAY HANDICAP.—6 furlongs 60 yards. Clentworth, Hoppicker. Cobweb, Dolphin, Allie, Creeper, ...
Article : 139 wordsAt a meeting of the committee of the Barrier Ranges Jockey Club, held at Silverton on Wednesday, the resignation of Mr. J. J. Wilkinson as hon secretary was received, and Mr. E. E. Harris was appointed instead. ...
Article : 45 wordsIn the Grand Champion Rifle Match the following were the New South Wales winners:—Keevers, Quantock, each £5; Cook and Lambert, each £3. The following were winners of £2.—Carey, Major Strong, Private M'Intosh. ...
Article : 79 wordsThe following players have been chosen to represent Victoria on Boxing Day against South Australia:—Trott, Bruce, M'llwraith, Morris, Drysdale, J. W. Trumble, H. Freeman, Barrett, Over, Horan, Lewis; emergencies, ...
Article : 48 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 83 wordsThe following are the general entries and final payments of the Wodonga annual races:— MAIDEN PLATE. Silver, Greg, Ophelia, Capagum, Celerity, Imperial. ...
Article : 56 wordsAt a meeting of the committee of the racing club the dates of the annual races were fixed for the 18th and 19th March. The election of officers resulted as follows:— President, Mr. Geo. Day, M.L.A.; vice-president, Mr. A. ...
Article : 58 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 265 wordsThe running in the first round of the Carrington Christmas Handicap was concluded on Thursday night, when the remaining 18 heats were disposed of. W. H. Williams was disqualified until after the running of the January ...
Article : 507 wordsOn Wednesday a £3 open handicap was shot off at the New South Wales Gun Club grounds, Botany, and it was won by Mr. "Boswell." The Gun Club Cup will be shot off to-day. ...
Article : 37 wordsDuring the storm on Thursday last, an old man named Wells, residing at Pott's Hill, was out on horseback, and his horse becoming restive, he dismounted and held it by the bridle. Shortly after dismounting the horse was struck ...
Article : 441 wordsA match will be commenced on the Association Cricket Ground to-day between the Sixth Australian Eleven and an eleven of New South Wales, consisting of the following players:—A. Gregory, Hiddilston, M'Kenzie, Donnau, ...
Article : 54 wordsMr. John Ahearn, of the Carrington Ground Hotel, has given a handsome modal valued at £20, to be presented to the winner of the fifth Carrington Handicap of 800 guineas, to be run on the 16th, 18th, 20th, and 23rd of ...
Article : 44 wordsMessrs. Bennett, Betteridge, and Bloxham leave Sydney to-day on a fortnight's tour as far as Brisbane. ...
Article : 17 wordsA sculling match over the Parramatta River Championship course, for a stake of £100 a-side, will be decided tomorrow afternoon between George Perkins (ex-champion of England) and Donatien do Libeau, the champion walker ...
Article : 644 wordsIn gold O'Connor's Freehold, Star of the East, and New Chum Consolidated quitted at advanced prices. Madame Berry had business at full late prices. Pearl were easier. In silver there was a firm ...
Article : 515 wordsThe Monte Cristo (Pye's Creek) Silver-mining Company, Limited.—Since the formation of the company in May last three shafts have been sunk on the property to depths of 44ft., 99ft., and 58ft. respectively. The latter, at a depth of 50ft., came into ...
Article : 1,178 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,292 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 188 wordsThis morning there was a very small attendance of the trade at Darling Harbour auction sales. Only three trucks of straw came to hand, and these were quitted under moderate competition. The wood market was unaltered. At the wharfs ...
Article : 428 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,085 wordsFairly large catalogues of both descriptions were at yesterday's, auction sales brought forward to a full attendance of buyers, Good lots commanded the greatest attention; the market for other kinds was rather easier. Harrison, Jones, and Devlin, ...
Article : 118 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 21 Dec 1888, Page 5
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