LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919. PROCLAMATION. (L.S.) D. R. S. DE CHAIR, Governor. 11th January, 1927. I, Sir "Dudley Rawson Stratford de Chair, Governor of the...
Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation : 76 words[3894] Premier's Department, Sydney, 21st January, 1927. TJ IS Excellency tiie Governor directs it to be notified that he has received an intimation from the...
Government Gazette Notices : 42 words[3843] Premier's Department, Sydney, 21st January, 1927. HIS Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that he has received a despatch from the...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 72 words[3S97] Premier's Department, Sydney, 21st January, 1927. HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 59 wordsAPPOINTMENTS. Chief Secretary's Department. HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has approved of the following appointment:—...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 118 wordsCORRECTION IN NAMES. THE Governor-in-Councll lias approved of the names of Henry Ambrose^ A ves Bellairs, Cooyong, Doitcastcr avenue, South Kensington; r...
Government Gazette Notices : 155 wordsRESIGNATION. THE Governor-in-Couneil has accepted the resignation tendered by Mr. Hiii old Gordon MeKittrick, Bent-strcct, Soul li Grafton, of his position as...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 37 wordsAPPOINTMEN1S. Colonial Treasurer's Department. IIIS Excellency the Governor, "with the advice of the Executive Council, and upon the recommendation of the...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 188 wordsTRUSTEES—DUDLEY SCHOOL OF ABTS. William Beath has been appointed as a Trustee of the land held for the purposes of a School of Arts at Dudley, in lieu of John...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 54 words[3968] Department of tlic Attorney-General and Of Justice, Sydney, 21st January, 1927. HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council,...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 62 wordsHIS Excellency the Governor, with the like advice, has been pleased to approve of the~appoiiitineiit of ^ Stewart Wolfe Jainieson, Esquire, B.A. (Oxon.), as...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 50 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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