The SPEAKER took the chair at half-past 3 o'clock. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS. [?] HENRY PARKES, in reply to Mr. Frank Far[?] for Mr. Walker said the supernumeraries at the ...
Article : 14,105 wordsMr. Garrett to move,—That this House will, on Wednesday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider the expediency of bringing in a bill to authorise the payment to members of the Legislative Assembly of an annual allowance as ...
Article : 83 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 285 wordsThe election of two aldermen and two auditors for the city of Sydney took place yesterday, and was carried out in a very quiet and orderly manner. The polling commenced at 8 in the morning, and continued till 4 o'clock ...
Article : 759 wordsThe fortnightly meeting of delegates to the New South Wales Trades and Labour Council was held last night. The president (Mr. West) occupied the chair. The following associations were represented, viz.:—The Saddlers, ...
Article : 274 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 56 wordsThe estimates of the probable expenditure of the Government for the year 1888 were laid upon the table of the Assembly yesterday. The following is a summary of the estimated expenditure in connection with the various ...
Article : 1,461 wordsThe supplementary estimates for 1887 and previous years were last evening laid on the table of the Assembly. The following is a summary of the various items:- SERVICES OF 1885.—Colonial Secretary, £2650 2s. 5d.; ...
Article : 234 wordsSir,—Your numerous correspondents touching upon the proprosed retrenchment in the Civil Service have, I think, very little to complain of. It is time to cry out when the salary has been cut off altogether, and not before then. I ...
Article : 150 wordsSir,—I have carefully perused the various letters addressed to and published by you on this important subject, and ask leave for an insertion of this present letter from a public servant of many years' standing. 1, It will be a ...
Article : 523 wordsSir,—Those gentlemen on small salaries, who justly complain of reductions on an amount which is already small enough, but which will probably be made still smaller, should have ere now endeavoured to get at the root of ...
Article : 296 wordsSir,--As you have been good enough to open your columns to allow the members of the Public Service to enter their protests with regard to the above matter, I venture to address you a few lines. ...
Article : 543 wordsSir,—I have read, in your issue of to-day, a sensible letter from an unsuccessful applicant for Civil Service employment, in which he points out how the Government can further save in the Civil Service. As your correspondent ...
Article : 255 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 203 wordsThe following additional prizes have been presented for competition in connection with the Centennial prize meeting, viz., £35, by Major Walker, of the Torpedo and Signalling Corps, in two prizes, £20 to the highest scorer in ...
Article : 105 wordsThe first annual prize meeting of the Artillery Association of New South Wales will commence to-morrow Saturday) afternoon, and will probably be continued on the 5th, 6th 7th 10th, and 17th of the month. There are ...
Article : 150 wordsSir,—It must be evident, even to persons not much experienced in mining matters, that we are upon the eve of [?] great development in the mineral resources of the colony, particularly in the metal silver. It would not be surprising ...
Article : 1,556 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 2 Dec 1887, Page 4
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