Trove will be unavailable between 8pm Friday 7 March to 11am Saturday 8 March for planned maintenance.Find out more
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    PICTURES: JANE REID Lisa Johnson, 9, of fourth grade, completes an excercise in creative writing under a wall display celebrating spring. Huy Hoang, 7, enjoys his reading in the school's library. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 41 words
  2. Aid essential to treat snakebite

    DURING the recent warm weather, the first case of snakebite in a dog was treated. As most of our suburbs are ...

    Article : 588 words
  3. Holiday quiz crossword solution

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 17 words

    LAST week, after an interval of 17 years, I resumed playing golf. Not that even up to 17 years ago I had played all that often, my career being confined to a dozen or so hit-abouts on the ...

    Article : 689 words
  5. SOUTH COAST NEWS Deua Valley proposals

    SAFEGUARDS on the water supply are among recommendations made to Eurobodalla Shire Council by a committee which has been studying the "new settler ...

    Article : 713 words
  6. Coast takes a 'premier' title

    "The Premier Coast" is a title that is likely to feature prominently when the Shoalhaven area is mentioned in future. The title is that which won the Name ...

    Article : 364 words
  7. Controlling own learning

    PART of a day's routine for the children at St Anthony's Catholic Primary School often includes brainstorming — a ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 371 words
  8. Chlorination plan draws protests

    Decisions by Eurobodalla Shire Council to chlorinate its water supplies and consider fluoridation have already brought protests ...

    Article : 244 words