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    In Cuba, poet and lawyer Angel Cuadra was legal adviser to the Cuban Institute of Musicians, Authors, Actors and Writers when he was arrested in 1967. He was charged with ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,134 words
  3. 'PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE WEEK' The world's jails are full of the innocent

    ON APRIL 1, 1979, a gaunt man with thinning hair stepped off an aircraft at Gatwick airport near London after three years in Argentina's jails and torture ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 903 words

    The combined ACT groups of Amnesty International are acknowledging Prisoners of Conscience Week — from October 11 to 17 — with library displays, a public meeting, a film evening and information stalls at the three main shopping centres in Canberra. The'program for the week is: ...

    Article : 150 words
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    Advertising : 135 words