A large supply of fresh water has been struck in the bore at a depth of 70ft. on Eroungella Station, Queensland. The river is low. A slight rise is reported up the river. ...
Article : 893 wordsSir,—For a long time past you have drawn public attention through my letters to many acts of injustice to the bona-fide fishermen of this colony. I have now to bring under notice several other matters that but add "fuel to ...
Article : 435 wordsSir,—During the time the preparations for celebrating the centenary of the colony have been going on I have been expecting to hear of some effort to be made to entertain our sailors at that time of universal festivity. We will have ...
Article : 480 wordsOn Thursday and Saturday of last week descriptions were published of displays of goods by some of the principal shopkeepors of Sydney. We now give further notices. ...
Article : 1,146 wordsThe prize meeting of the Artillery Association of New South Wales was continued and concluded at the Heads on Saturday afternoon. The first event was the 18-ton gun competition for Volunteer Artillery only, for which six ...
Article : 473 wordsSir.—Since [?]y last letter upon the danger existing at Homebush station, a railway porter has been killed at Strathfield, resulting from the same cause, viz., the want of a safe crossing; and if men who are so well versed in the arrival ...
Article : 190 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 13 wordsThe following is a list of the awards at the Girls' High School, Sydney:—Senior I.: Dux, H. Orr, silver medal given by the head mistress; Latin, H. Orr, R. Bowmaker ([?]q.); French, H. Orr; mathematics, R. ...
Article : 174 wordsA very pleasing entertainment took place at the Public school, Arncliffe, on Thursday afternoon, when a long and varied programme was successfully carried out. Nearly 200 parents and friends were present, amongst whom were ...
Article : 272 wordsThe half-yearly school duties terminated at the Coogee Public school on Friday last, the occasion being marked by the scholars making a suitable presc[?]ation and an address to their teacher, Mr. W. W. Cameron, who has occupied ...
Article : 165 wordsThe annual distribution of prizes in connection with the abovenamed school took place last Friday. There were many friends and supporters of the school present. The room had been tastefully decorated for the occasion. A ...
Article : 488 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 287 wordsCosgrove's Broken Hill Silver-mine, December 12.— No. 4 shaft has been sunk a further distance of 5ft. through the footwnll of the lode. The grouud is very hard and work progresses slowly. It is my intention to sink this ...
Article : 256 wordsShare Report.—Sales: Block 14, £8 4s., £8 5s.; Central Broken Hill, 22s., 23s.; Eveleen, Cordillera, 30s., 33s.; Pinnncle Tribute, 12s., 13s. 6d.; Round Hill, 40s., 48s.; Dukes, 10s., 20s.; Long Tunnel. £56, £56 15s. ...
Article : 155 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 34 wordsAt the matinee on Saturday, at Her Majesty's Theatre, the dress circles were fairly well filled and the stalls were about half full, but there was a poor attendance in the other parts of the house. The matinee had been arranged ...
Article : 795 words"The Merchant of Venice," though "adorned with mirthfullest masks, figures of satyrs, and little loves," and though designed by Shakespeare to be a comedy, is nevertheless a tragedy. Anyone who sits the play out will come ...
Article : 896 wordsAlthough not reaching the popularity which characterised the performance of the "Mascotte," the present representation of "Tambour Major" at the Theatre Royal has proved sufficiently aftractive to draw satisfactory audiences during last ...
Article : 72 wordsA large audience assemble at the Gaiety Thean on Saturday evening, to witness the revival of "For the Term of His Natural Life." This drama, on its first production, proved such a success that it [?]an for a period of eight ...
Article : 268 wordsOn saturday evening the Opera House was filled "from floor to ceiling" upon the first appearance of Frank M. Clark's All-Star Novelty Company. A capital programme was presented, under the auspices of Mr. Martin Hagan as ...
Article : 458 wordsIf Australia has a charm for Mr. Maccabe, as he told an interviewer in London it had, Mr. Maccabe certainly has a charm for Australians, and for none more so than the Sydneyites. One of the charms of Mr. Maccabe is that he ...
Article : 528 wordsThe Randwick Musical Society gave a special performance in the Town Hall on Friday evening, the programme containing two comedy-operettas, entitled "Woman's Wit. or the Two Husbands," and "Trial by Jury," ...
Article : 297 wordsThe proprietors of Wirth's Circus, being unable to obtain permission to perform in Belmore Park, have at great expense secured a ground at Newtown, not far from the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. The ...
Article : 68 wordsThe Coogee Aquarium and Swimming Baths are now very nearly completed, and will be opened to the public on Friday next. On Saturday last the Hon. John Sutherland, Mr. C. A. Goodchap, and Mr. John Rae paid a visit to the ...
Article : 933 wordsCUSTOM HOUSE.—Entered Outwards: December 17, Bhunda[?] (s.). 2100 tons, Captain J. C. Sharp, for Calcutta, via Melbourne; Ariadne, barque, 1167 tons, Captain Crool, for Wilmington and Sun Francisco; Katoomba (s.), 489 tons, Captain F. C. Lee for ...
Article : 1,688 wordsSir,—In Lord Carnarvon's letter to the Times in August last he montioned the pleasure it gave him to hear that "Victoria and New South Wales had already created a navy of their own." Perhaps n[?]w that his lordshpis is in ...
Article : 108 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 52 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 19 Dec 1887, Page 8
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