Shortly after the intelligence was received from Rome of the appointment of the Very Rev. Dr. Doyle, of Lismore, to the newly-established see of Grafton, and the conferring of episcopal dignity upon Monsignor Hutchinson, Viecar, ...
Article : 6,269 wordsAt the evening service at St. Andrew's Cuthedral yesterday the Primate preached an eloquent sermon to a very large congregation on "The Sabbath and the Lord's Day." He took for his texts, "Mark ii., 28—The Sabbath was ...
Article : 1,212 wordsThe ceremony in connection with the laying of the foundation stone of a new Anglican school-church at Mossman's Bay, to be known as St. Clement's Church, was performed by the Primate on Saturday afternoon, in the presence of a ...
Article : 1,095 wordsThe Rev. James Chalmers, for many years a missionary in New Guinea, preached the morning sermon at the Congregational Church, Burwood, yesterday, when, notwithstanding, the inauspicious weather, there was ...
Article : 1,422 wordsSir,—In the column of "As You Like It," published to-day, the Chief Justice is taken to task for having expressed an opinion in a recent divorce case to the effect that husbands found guilty of having deserted their wives ...
Article : 503 wordsAn entertainment in aid of the building fund of the Permanent Artillery gymnasium now being built will be held on Friday, 2nd September, in the new Masonic Hall, Castlereagh-street. The institution which this ...
Article : 365 wordsThe annual inspection of No. 12 Battery V. A. R. took place at Victoria Barracks, on Saturday afternoon, when 45 officers and men put in an appearance on parade. The battery was commanded by Captain J. F. Boyd. Lieutenant ...
Article : 1,061 wordsA meeting of about 100 persons favourable to the formation of another coal union was held at the Hero of Waterloo Hotel on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Page was voted to the chair. The rules of the union, which is to be called the ...
Article : 438 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 29 Aug 1887, Page 4
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