Yesterday we received a telegram from Mr. Hugh M'Kinnon stating that he had decided not to oppose Mr. C. J. Roberts's Ministerial election. Mr. T. M. Williamson has withdrawn from the contest ...
Article : 514 wordsThe Protection Union of New South Wales, having put forth the following programme, has decided to support the candidates mentioned below in the forthcoming general election:—"The objects of the union are—1. To encourage ...
Article : 118 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 268 wordsA largely attended meeting of the council of the Free Trade Association was held last night, Mr. Wise in the chair. It was decided that the council should form itself into a central committee for furthering the election of free ...
Article : 242 wordsOn Thursday night Mr. John Hurley addressed the electors of Hartloy in the School of Arts, Lithgow. The hall was filled to overflowing, and the candidate received an excellent hearing. ...
Article : 3,769 wordsAt the Redfern Town Hall, last evening, Mr. T. M. Williamson addressed a large gathering of the electors, there being fully 400 persons within the building. Many othors were unable to gain admission. At 8 o'clook the ...
Article : 1,243 wordsLast evening Mr. Wm. Stephen, J.P., a candidate for the representation of the Redfern constituency, addressed the electors in the Town Hall, Waterloo. The meeting, which was well attended, was presided over by the Mayor ...
Article : 970 wordsMr. W. F. Schey, ono of the candidates for the Redfern electorate, addressed a largely attended meeting of the electors yesterday evening, from the balcony of the Bellevue Hotel, corner of Redfern-street and Botany-road. The ...
Article : 1,590 wordsSir Henry Parkes addressed a large and enthusiastie meeting of the doctors of St. Leonards in the Town Hall of that borough last night. Long before the hour announced for the commencement of the procedings the hall ...
Article : 8,241 wordsA largely attended meeting of the friends and supporters of Dr. A. Kenwick was held yesterday evening in the Congregational Schoolroom, corner of Cleveland and George streets, Redfern, for the purpose of taking stops to secure ...
Article : 49 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 29 Jan 1887, Page 9
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