Mr. Gillies has received a telegram from Sir Samuel Griffth in reference to the recent deputation which wanted upon Mr. Grilles, urging him to endeavour to get some alternaion made in the British Companies Bill ...
Article : 291 wordsChristopher Mills, who was Government agent on the labour schooner Ethel, and who two years ago was sentenced to seven years' penal servitude for being concerned in alleged kidnapping ...
Article : 219 wordsJudge Backhouse opened the District Court to-day. The list included only cases of local importance. Mr. Merewether was Crown Prosecutor. An influential deputation of the Municipal Council and ...
Article : 957 wordsCollisions on the coast have been comparatively rare, and it is a long time since one has had to be recorded until now. The last one occurred on Saturday night between the ship Angorona, inward bound with a full general cargo from ...
Article : 766 wordsA public meeting was held here last night at the Council-chambers, under the presidency of the Mayor, Mr. Fred. Toy, relative to the contemplated resignation of Mr. Russell Barton, as one of the representatives of ...
Article : 234 wordsAn exhibition of Mr. Wolseley's Australian sheepshearing machine was given at Euroka station to-day in the presence of a large assemblage of the squatting community. This invention is the result of many years of ...
Article : 228 wordsLast night Mr. C. L. Garland, M.L.A., addressed a largely attended meeting at the Academy of Music on the political situation. Mr. William Clarke, the Mayor, was in the chair, and amongst those on the platform was Mr. ...
Article : 488 wordsMr. W. S. Gilbert's mythological comedy "Pygmalion and Galatea" was reproduced at (his theatre on Saturday evening. We have so recently criticised this dramatic fable in detail that we now need only record the fact that ...
Article : 298 wordsThe great novelty of Saturday's programme was the first appearance of Signora Lardelli, a soprano singer, a native it is believed, of Maitland, who has just returned from England, where she and her husband have been studying, ...
Article : 494 wordsOn Saturday at this theatre was produced for the first time in Sydney a romantic drama in a prologue and four acts, adapted from Alexandre Dumas's novel "Monte Christo." This great romance of Dumas is said to have ...
Article : 447 wordsOn Saturday evening Casimir Delavigne's historical drama Louis XI., was revived with success it this play-house. Dion Boucicault's version of the play is a tolerably faithful translation differing from the original only in the ...
Article : 1,133 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 275 wordsThe pupils of Mme. Charbonnet-Kellermann's School of Music assembled at the Protestant Hall, on Saturday afternoon, to give, in the prosence of parents and friends, evidence of their progress during the year. That the school ...
Article : 525 wordsThe popularity of the lectures and other entertainments provided at the School of Arts, more particularly of these furnished on Saturday, evenings, received a fresh imnetus on Saturday last, when Miss, Luey Pinkstone, a young ...
Article : 655 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 292 wordsCUSTOM HOUSE.—Entered outwards, November 27: Wendource (s.), 1066 tons, Captain J. A, Roberts, for Melbourne, vis Newcastle; Jessie, three-masted schooner, 247 tons. Captain J. Ruxton, for Auckland, via Newcastle; Birksgate (s.), 916 tons, ...
Article : 3,022 wordsRising Sun Silver, Broken Hill, November 16.—Contract has been let for sinking shaft 50 feet deeper, 16 foet of which is completed; total, 121 feet 6 inches. Country still good. Have passed through two seams of carbonates, ...
Article : 673 wordsThe following, stock, movements are reported:—17,000 ewes and 400 rams, Fort Bourke to Bimerah, Thompson River, G. Fairbairn, owner; "2000 stud ewes and 100 stud rams, from Belleview, Victoria, Scott, owner; 7000 fat ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 29 Nov 1886, Page 8
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