[94X9] Office of the Minister for Local Government, Sydney, 21st November, 1930, TRANSPORT ACT, 1930. REGULATION RELATING TO MEETINGS OF THE NEWCASTLE AND...
Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation : 112 wordsNOTIFICATION OF RESUMPTION (OF LAND UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919. 3N pursuance of section 536 (4) of tlie Local Government Act, 1919, and under...
Government Gazette Notices : 311 words(9487) Department -of Agriculture, t Stock and Brands Branch, Raphael-street, Sydney, 21st November, 1930. STOCK DISEASES ACT, 1923. Declaration of Quarantine...
Government Gazette Notices : 90 words(Form 43, ^Regulation 86.) * CO-OPERATION ACTS, 1923-1929. Dissolution of Society. The Day-Baking Co-operative Society Limited. I HEREBY notify that I have...
Government Gazette Notices : 57 wordsLIQUOR (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1919—SECTION 29. Notice of Compensation Payable. WHEREAS it has been determined by the Licenses Reduction Board that the licensed...
Government Gazette Notices : 113 wordsQUARTER SESSIONS. NOTICE is hereby given, that Courts of Quarter Sessions iu and for the State of New South Wales, will be holden during December next, at the...
Government Gazette Notices : 115 wordsNORTHERN DISTRICT. Alteration in1 dates for holding District Courts at Lismore and Murwillumbah. WHEREAS District Courts were, in pursuance of the provisions...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 119 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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