BOROUGH OF NEW LAMBTON. NOTICE is hereby given that Alderman G-eorge Errington was duly elected Mayor for the ensuing municipal year at a meeting of the above...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 43 wordsBOfiOUGH OF NEW fcAWBTON. NOTICjBJ is hereby given that t»lie following gentlemen were duly elected as Aldermen and Auditors in the above Borough, dating from...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 69 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF ST. PETERS. NOTICE is hereof given that the following gentlemen have been duly eleefcpd to fill the unde. mentioned offices in this...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 82 wordsMUNICIPALITY OF ST. PETERS. NOTICE is hereby given tlia£ Alderman Edwin Spackman, Esq. has been duly elected Major for the municipal year, 1903-4. w. Or....
Government Gazette Private Notices : 37 wordsBOBOUGH OF ANNAN DALE. Election of Mayor. NOTICE ifi hereby given that Alderman William Wells has been duly re-eleoted to the office of Mayor of this Borough...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 49 wordsBOROUGH OF AUBURN. NOTICE is hereby given that Alderman Thomas Taylor, J.P., has been duly re-elected Mayor for this Borough, for the current municipal year...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 38 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BHG-A. NOTICE is hereby given that Alderman Henry UndorhiH lias been re-elected Mayor for tlie above Municipal District for the current...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 39 wordsMUfllCIPAUTF Of NOTICE is hereby given ib# Algemw George Bpultyu l}$s been duly elected Mayor of tbis Municipality forfclie ipunipjpaj. year 1908-4*. GIORGE...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 34 wordsBOEOtrqm OF STOCKTON. Election of Mayor. NOTICE is hereby given that Alderman Timothy Griffiths has been duly elected Mayor of the above Borough for the...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 40 wordsST. MARY'S MUNICIPALITY. NOTICE is hereby given that Mayor George Turner, senr., J.P., has been re-elected Mayor of tills Municipality for the current...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 38 wordsMUNICIPAL DD3TBICT OF WAE1TAB". NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of the Waratah Council held on the 11th day of February, J 903, Alderman Thomas...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 60 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF YASS. Election of Mayor. NOTICE is hereby given that Alderman Philip Thprntpii Thane has this day been duly elected Mayor of this...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 44 wordsBOROUGH OF YOUNG. NOTICE is hereby given that Alderman Qcorge fipencejr Whiteman has been duly elected Mayor of the Borough oi Young for the muncipaJ year...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 41 wordsMUNICIPAL Disraior OF BALUNA. NOTICE is hereby given that the following gentlemen h$;pf been duly elected Aldermen and Auditors for the above Municipal...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 52 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF MABSFIELB. NOHCE is hereby giren that Alderman Henry Lovell iiai been duly elected Mayor of the al>o?e Municipal District for the...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 41 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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