BOROUGH OF HILLGROVE. NOTICE is hereby given that Sydney Arthur McNamara has been appointed Auditor for Borough of Hillgrove, under section 261, sub-section...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 37 wordsBOROUGH OF NEW L1MBTON. v/j.iuj!i is hereby given that Mr. G-eorge Beath, miner, was duly elected, unopposed, as Alderman, for Third Ward, in the Borough of...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 60 words•BOROUGH OF EiST ORANGE. ju yjiiuJi' is hereby given that Mr. William Henry Cauldwell iiaa been duly elected an Alderman for the South-weBt Ward in the...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 49 wordspiibate ®fcfteftisimtcnts. REAL PBOPEETY ACT. Notice of Intended Issue op Provisional Certificate. of Trii<B, Vol. 1,210, Fol. 171. Proprietor: Alexander...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 120 wordsDISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership hitherto subsisting between Andrew Malcolm and Patrick Maxwell Murray, trading as...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 75 wordsNOTICE is hereby given thafc the partnership lately subsisting wouwccu us, bue uuuersigiiea Jsaac Stevenson and John Bovd Dunlop, carrying on business as...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 108 words"°TICE "hereby given that a meeting of all percons entitled uv/ uuiuujynaoie rights in tlie Casino Common will be held in the Town Hall, Casino, on Saturday,...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 63 wordsPASTURES PROTECTION ACT, 1902. Form 30. Notice op Appointment op Receivees op Scalps NOTICE is hereby given that the Pastures Protection Board for the...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 115 wordsj BOROUGH OF WINDSOR. li is hereby notified that Mr. Alderman Thomas Primrose, J,P., has been duly elected Mayor of the above Borough for the remainder of the...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 50 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF MLARSFIET/n NOTICE is hereby given that Frank Ellis, Esquire, vras, at noon on Monday, the 17th day of August, declared elected Alderman...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 68 wordsBOROUGH OF NARRABRL TO Am tnr\ • , , -LL<jji is nereDy given that Robert Charles McKenzie lias been elected an Alderman for the South Ward of this Borough, in...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 51 wordsPASTURES PROTECTION ACT, 3902. Regulation No. 5. 3SOTICE is hereby given thai the distinguishing name of the Board, acing under the provisions of the...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 65 wordsPASTURES PROTECTION ACT, 1902. Form 33. Scale op Bonuses fob Scalps. NOTICE is hereby given that the Pastures Protection Board for the District of Wilcannia...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 86 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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