Since the date of our last mail letter the Government have been occupied principally with making the necessary arrangements for bringing into operation the new Land Act at the commencement of the year. The ...
Article : 3,697 wordsArrivals from Great Britain.—December 11: Blackadder, ship, from London. December 12: Britith Ambassador, ship, Captain J. Davis, from London; R.M.S. Valetta, Captain J. Orman, from London, via ports December 15: ...
Article : 510 wordsSir,—I notice in the report of the proceedings of the Water Commission a description of the natural weir in the Darling at Brewarrina known as "The Fisheries," and an argument from the existence of this natural weir that it is ...
Article : 252 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 588 wordsWhen one gives a general order for a large batch of new children's books without looking over them first, one finds that the bookseller sends a very large proportion of stories, compilations, and serials evidently intended for ...
Article : 3,514 wordsSir,—Will you allow me to correct one or two statements contained in your article of Thursday last, in which you criticise the address which I delivered at the annual meeting of the collage? ...
Article : 1,182 wordsSir,—Now that Ministers have actually seen the nakedness of our land, it may not be inopportune to make a last appeal for leniency in carrying into effect the new Land Act in the Western division. With this object, kindly afford me ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 24 Dec 1884, Page 4
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