Mr. WISDOM said that he rose to move the adjournment ofthe House. He dared say that there were people who would say that this was an altempt to interfere with the discussion on the Land Bill; but he was perfectly careless ...
Article : 9,136 wordsThe debate on the motion for the third reading of the Land Bill was continued for some time after midnight on Tuesday, and a motion for the adjournment of the debate was then moved. At 25 minutes to 2 o'clock the House ...
Article : 8,116 wordsMr. Humphery to move.—That the prayer of the petition of Thomas [?]ster Knon, Esq., presented to this House on the 22nd July last, that the Kerosene Oil and Mineral Company may be heard by counsel against certain clauses of the Mittagong ...
Article : 216 wordsThe following is the report of the select committee of the Legislative Aseembly sppointed to inquire into and report upon the petition of Captain Armstrong, late Resident Magistrate at Lord Howe Island: ...
Article : 505 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 135 wordsThe usual monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Randwick Asylum was held at the Town Hall yesterday afternoon. The vice-president, Mr. G. F. Wire, occupied the chair, and there were present Messrs. Joseph ...
Article : 1,475 wordsThe general monthly meeting of the members of the Royal Society of New South Wales was held at the society's house, Elizabeth-street North, last nitht. There was a fair attendance of members, and the chair was occupied ...
Article : 535 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 7 Aug 1884, Page 5
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