MUNICIPALITY OF WICKHAM. NOTICE.—At a Special Meeting of the Council of the above Municipality, held on the instant, Alderman Alexander Shedden was duly...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 44 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF WICKHA.M. NOTICE is hereby given that the following gentlemen bave been duly elected Aldermen of the above Municipal District for the...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 67 wordsBOROUGH OF WATERLOO. NOTICE.—Alderman James Peter Howe was this day chosen Mayor of this Borough for 1888-9. CHAS. HARRIS, Council Clerk. Town Hall, 13th...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 28 wordsBOROUGH OF WOOLLAHRA. NOTICE is hereby given that Charles Augustus Vivian has been appointed. Treasurer for the ensuing year. W. J. TRICKETT, Council...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 31 wordsBOROUGH OF WOOLLA.HRA. NOTICE is hereby given that the Honorable W. J. Tricketfc, M.L.C., has been re-elected Mayor for the ensuing year. C. A. YIVIAN,...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 36 wordsBOROUGH OF ST. LEONARDS. Annual Election. NOTICE is hereby given that the following gentlemen have been duly elected as Aldermen and Auditors for this...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 59 wordsMUNICIPALITY OF CANTERBURY. NOTICE is hereby given that Alderman J. C. Sharp was duly elected Mayor of the above Municipality for the Municipal year of...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 39 wordsBOROUGH OF VICTORIA. I HEREBY give notice that the following have been duly elected Aldermen for this Borough:— William Waterhouse, Samuel Blue, and Matthew...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 40 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF MANLY. NOTICE is hereby given that the following gentlemen hare been duly elected Aldermen and Auditors for this Munici pality : — As...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 61 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF MANLY. NOTICE) is hereby given that Alderman J. G. Griffin has been duly elected Mayor for the now current Municipal year. T. 0....
Government Gazette Private Notices : 37 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF HYDE. NOTICE is hereby given that Thomas Smedley Pidding, Thomas Bean, and Edward Atkins, jun., were, on the 11th day of February, 1888,...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 81 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BOWRAL. THE following gentlemen were duly elected at the Annual Election, held on 10th February, 1888 :— Aldermen. William Piggott....
Government Gazette Private Notices : 46 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BOWRAL. ALDERMAN John George Morris, J.P., was duly elected Mayor for the current year in the above Municipality. W. J. OSBORNE, Council...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 35 wordsBOROUGH OP WOLLONGONG. NOTICE is hereby given that Alderman W. J. Poulter has been duly elected Mayor of the Borough of Wollongong. HENRY STUMBLES, Town Hall,...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 33 wordsBOROUGH OF WOLLONGONG. Annuax Election of Aldebmen ajtd Auditors. NOTICE is hereby given that the following candidates were duly elected Aldermen and Auditors...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 58 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), Fri 17 Feb 1888, Page 40
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