f BANKS AjND BANK HOLIDAYS^ ACT,-1912, AS f AMENDED.—PROCLAMATION. (ii.s.) F. B. JORDAN, Lieutenant-Governor. THE following days and dates are hereby...
Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation : 70 wordsBANKS AND BANK ttOtlDAYS ACT, 1912, AS AMENDED.—PROCLAMATION. (ir.s.) F. B. JORDAN, Lieutenant-Governor. THE following days and dates are {hereby appointed....
Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation : 76 wordsbanks and bank HOLIDAYS ACT, 1912,! As AMENDED.—PROCLAMATION. (l.s.) F. B. JORDAN, Lieutenant-Governor. .•>. rn'M* IN pursuance of the power and authority...
Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation : 152 wordsSUPREME COURT AND,CIRCUIT COURTS (AMEND MENT) ACT, 1912.—PftbCLA&ATlON. (L.s.) F. H. JORDAN, Lieutenant-Governor. . 24th April, 1946. I, tl^e ;Honqurabl$ Sir...
Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation : 94 wordsLOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919.—PROCLAMATION. (l.s.) F. R. JORDAN, Lieutenant'Governor. 17th April, 1946. I, the Honourable Sir Frederick Richard Jordan-,...
Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation : 76 wordsLOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, iqj9, AS AMENDED BY StJBSEQtrMT ACTS.—PROCLAMATION. (l.S.) F. R. JORDAN, Lieutenant-Governor. _ 3rd April, 1946. L .the j^onpuraljIg.Sir...
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