On the night of the 12th December, or noxt morning (for the time cannot be accurately hard) an accident happened by which the office of the Telephone Exchange Company, at the Sydney Exchange, was fairly [?]. On Tuesday ...
Article : 678 wordsThe following telegram was received by the Under-Colonial Secretary of Queensland, from Captain Pennefather, late of the schooner Pearl, dated Cooktown, 9th December, respecting the loss of a vessel near the Fly ...
Article : 504 wordsThe portrait of Sir Hercules Robinson, painted by Mr. G. F. Folingsby to the order of the subscribers to the Robinson testimonial fund, has been on view in the Art Gallery, and been very much admired. Sir Patrick Jennings, K.C.M.G., ...
Article : 351 words[?].— The death of the above divine took place on the 17th December, at Bodalla. William Horatic Walsh was [?] at Oxford, where he took the degree of B.A., and he was ordained deacon by the Bishop ...
Article : 637 wordsA largely attended and remarkably orderly meeting of employees in the Railway and Tramway Departments took plcae on December 21 at the Temperance Hall, for the consideration of the rates of pay allowed to the employees and ...
Article : 248 wordsA quarterly abstract issued by the Government statist of Victoria shows that the increae of population by births and arrivals by sea during the third quarter of the current year was 6190 and that the total estimated ...
Article : 1,791 wordsOur correspondent at Noumea, New Caledonia, writes on December 5:—Addressing his letter to the Directeur de l'Administration Penitentiaire, Governor Pullu de la Barriere states—"The journey I have made has fixed my ideas ...
Article : 420 wordsThe tone of the money market is decidedly firmer than at the dute of our last summary. The banks now quote 3½, 4½, and 5½ per cent, as the nominal rates for deposits lodged for three, six, and 12 months respectively; but for ...
Article : 1,086 wordsEXPORT MARKETS—During the past month there has been considerable activity in business in the staple production of the colony, and a large proportion of the heavy catalogues have been [?]. Greasy wools ...
Article : 2,762 wordsA terrible catestrophe happened in a mine at No. 2 shaft of the Australasian Company, about two miles from Creswick, Victoria, at 5.30 a.m. on Tuesdsay. 12th December. The men engaged in one of the drives unexpectedly broke ...
Article : 5,742 wordsOwing in no considerable degree to the elections, mining during the past month has been very dull, and the news received from the various goldfields presente no feature of special interest. The Christmas holidays, too, have interfered ...
Article : 55 wordsRICHARDSON AND [?].—The approach of the new year, the Christmas holidays, and the general elections, together with a stringent money market, have all tended to produced for the month rather a dull season, and give a drooping tendency to sales. There ...
Article : 1,342 wordsNovember 28.—Jerusalem, ship. Captain Breach, from London August 19. November 30,—Melanesia, barque. Captain Kirkbride, from Loverpool August 2; Comadre, barque, Captain T. [?] ...
Article : 204 wordsNovember 28.— John Duthie, ship, for London. December 1.—R.M.S. Kaisar-l-Hind, for London. December 5.—Sophocles, ship, for London. December 6.—Barcelona (s.), for London, Antwerp, and ...
Article : 89 wordsNovember 30.—Edwin Fox, barque, Captain Coldille, from Christiana July 31; Hermon, barque, Captain Stephen, from [?] October 12; Henrietta, ship. Captain C.M. Nichols, from New York August 6; Robert Tortor, barque, Captain Nichols, from ...
Article : 235 wordsDecember 2.—British General, ship, for Shanghai; Elliott[?] brig, for Shanghai. December 7.—Drumpark, ship, for Bombay, via Newcastle. December 15.—Cambrian Queen, ship, for San Francisco. ...
Article : 60 wordsR.M.S. Assam, Devonshire (s.), Chimboraze (s.); America, ship; Algle-Norman, barque; Christiana Thompson, ship; Cimba, ship; Dar[?] Downs, ship; Dartford, ship; Dharwar ship; Hawkesbury, ship; La Hogue, ship; Loch Etive, ship ...
Article : 61 wordsH.M.S. Espiegle and Diamond, and [?] Renard, Sandfly Beagle, and Lark are now in port. The Diamond is undergoing [?] thorough overhaul at the [?] at Bilocla, while the others are anchored in Farm Cove. H.M.S. Nelson is at Hobart, and [?] ...
Article : 65 wordsThe Comadre, barque, arrived on November 30, from London, with a general cargo. Captain Behbington reports that he left the clocks on 3lst August, and laid at Gravesend to take in powder and adjust compasses. The Downs ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 28 Dec 1882, Page 4
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