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  2. Riis celebrates birthday with yellow jersey

    CHARLEROI, Belgium, Saturday: Unfancied Italian Ivan Gotti saw his days in the coveted yellow jersey come to an end ...

    Article : 515 words
  3. NZ men's defeat motivates women

    If the laws in relation to women playing rugby league at the senior level are changed today, then you can ...

    Article : 1,127 words
  4. NZ coach denies post threatened: Fulton praises Fittler, his team

    SYDNEY: New Zealand rugby league coach Frank Endacott dismissed claims that his job was under threat after the Kiwis lost ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,217 words
  5. Sport England succumb in under 3 days

    BIRMINGHAM, Saturday: England was routed by an innings and 64 runs on the third morning of the third cricket Test at ...

    Article : 763 words
  6. Jon, 14, runs hot to take honours

    Cold and windy conditions prevailed at Canberra City Bowling Club on July 1 when Jon Dimopoulos, a day before his 14th ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 810 words